My kanga Yarra has arrived , I'll post an in depth story some pictures as soon as i get chance , but it will probably be tomorrow as things here are bloody crazy . What i will say is this , she looks beautiful and shoots amazing .... oh and i got some goodies too . Customs tried to put a dampener on things again , but i'm hoping to sort that out .
Russ said the other day that you would be getting It soon. Glad It made It there bud!! Have fun with It!!
Glad she got there mate. Sorry about the import duties let me know if you need help claiming it back.
Ok i took a couple of pictures guys , the First is shows that not only has Russ given me a new name , but also a beautiful pen with wood insert and a silver Kanga Custom Bows pendant . Also in the package was a Arizona EZ Fletch and strings for both bows , oh i forgot , a bill for £77 = $121 from customs , which i am gonna try to claim back . The Yarra itself is Awesome , eye candy looks , smooth , quiet and a joy to draw back , even though she is 5lbs heavier than my Bogan . The second , well i just thought id include my ugly butt alongside my new 2010 hunting partner . Russ , again i thank you for making this Beautiful bow , i know she caused some headaches ( literally ) but the end result was well worth the wait mate and the gifts are greatly appreciated .
Dave. Mate now everyone knows why I call ya Banjo Boy You really haven't changed much since you stared in the movie with Burt:D My pleasure mate, yes the end result was well worth the headaches she gave me.
Dave, she's a beaut! But those limb bolts must go. I'll get working on a set of sheep for you... Does anyone have a picture of a brown soay? I would take it preferrably without Dave's rubber boots in the photo. LOL Banjo boy? you mean to tell me all that moaning and groaning I heard under your covers in elk camp was something other than you dreaming? Sheez, no wonder you got lost the next day!
You kill me Will , the only noise was coming from under your sleeping bag my friend . A couple of carved antler butts from wood or such would look cool Will . Or do you mean a mountain sheep , cuz that would be awesome . Thanks for the comments