Two Washington Wizards teammates -- three-time NBA All-Star Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton -- drew guns on each other in the locker room after practice during a Christmas Eve argument over money, according to a report in the the New York Post.
Think of where so many of these young men come from. To them it ain't any different than that. Crappy that it is that way, but for many of them it is a way of life.
Gilbert Arenas signs a $110 million dollar deal and he is pulling out a gun in a locker room over a gambling issue with a teammate. I don't care where a person comes from.....they are friggin retards. Many people that I know come from hard backgrounds, ghettos, trailer parks, single moms, etc. That excuse has been played out and is a cop out.
If I pulled out a gun at WORK and pointed it at someone, I not only would be arrested but would be fired.
Man I tell you what, he received $41 million guaranteed. He already has it. The rest of his contract is contingent on him playing. I would friggin fire him immediately. This is the second time he brought GUNS into a sporting arena. If Abe Polin were still alive he would have fired Arenas in a heartbeat for these type of issues.
The only thing I'm pissed about is your choice of words, no one asks to be born retarded, it happens and in my experiences they are very good people with some mental deficiencies. The people you are referring to are poorly bred, intellectually challenged and have no ability to to fit into a society where wealth comes mostly from knowledge. To compare the people that are considered " retarded" to these thugs does a serious disservice to the mentally challenged in todays society. I myself am at a loss for a term that exemplifies the athletically gifted yet mentally deprived athletes that seem to make or headlines all to frequently. But I think we can do better than the word "retarded" , the term convicts comes to mind.
Bawana, before you get all high and mighty with me, I will let you know I have worked in the direct care of children with emotional, physical, and behavioral problems/delays/handicaps for the past decade. The word retard or retarded was on this earth before persons with mental handicaps were labelled "retards" or "retarded". Here is the definition of retard that I most likened to the above mentioned RETARDS here in the Washington DC area. retard: a stupid person, or one who is slow to learn
What is the rule on guns in DC...I thought you could not have them at all? If that is the case, he is screwed like Plax in NYC.
No athlete is worth that much money. This is also why I've never gotten too much into the NBA or college ball (heck it is even prominent in football more as well). Too many thugs that happen to be athletically gifted making millions a year when our finest doctors (you know, people who actually make a difference in society) make a fraction of that. Heck, I don't even think the CLASSY athletes should make that much
VS ... I love ya, but Jim is right .... MR people don't make the CHOICE to be that way ... they are born that way ... those thugs CHOOSE their paths .... and some people on this very forum fund these idiots by purchasing tickets and clothing ... sorry, but thats the way it is ... ok young guns ....flame away ..
I'm 25, is that young enough? I'm with you, although I don't see much harm in purchasing tickets to watch a game. Heck bringing people into an area to watch a game helps local businesses, too. I don't wear the clothing much, though, and I don't refer to my favorite teams as "we" when discussing team performance
Sadly these two have most likely ruined their careers and cost their teams tens of millions. This issue has nothing to do with their mental state from a nature perspective. This is an issue of Nurture over Nature and bringing the hood to the stadium. I hope they throw the book at these guys and they don't end up staying in the league like Michael Vick after the Dog Fighting Scandals. Making a living in Professional sports is a privilege most people will never know and with it comes responsibility and we are seeing a lot of people throwing away their careers these days.