Been trying to get my arrows to come off strait. Set up the box with paper. But the arrows kick out to the left on the rear end every time. I have moved that spring loaded thing as far right and left as I could trying to fix it. No dice. It is a spring loaded pad with a little wire hanging out of the bottom for the arrow to sit on. I think the fletching being of a stiffer plastic type is hitting it and bouncing the arrows out side ways. Am I right to think the rest is my issue? If so. I am looking at the fallaways and Whisker Biskit type of rests. Any opinions? I know the Biskits can make noise and can also get worn out, for some it seams very fast. People also report fletching damage. Apperantly they can also affect speed a bit, but in the end I am less concerned with that. Transversly I have not seen a fall away that fully captures the arrow and I think that could be asking for trouble if the shot were angled down quite a bit. Maybe not I really dont know enough, just what I have heard or read. Let the opioins fly.
I've been looking at getting a new rest lately, and the one the peaked my interest was the trivan rest. It's basically a hybrid between a biscuit and a fallaway. From what I have heard it's a solid rest, when I get my new bow there's a 99% chance that'll be the one I'll use.
I shoot the QAD, its a fallaway and the arrow is fully contained. You could shoot any angle with it and not have to worry about your arrow falling off. Also just another bit of info for you, I was shooting arrows at 338fps out of it and having zero fletching contact issuses. I would recommend getting yourself one, you wont regret it!
This could also be an indication of a weak spined arrow (assuming that you are right handed). You could back your bow down in poundage to see if it makes any difference. For right handers, a weak spined arrow can cause a left tear, and an over spined arrow can cause a tear to the right. Here's a link for paper tuning. This could be your issue, and maybe save you some $$. Otherwise, if your arrows are off, they will continue to tear left with any rest. If you do switch rests, I'd go with a fall away like the QAD or the Rip Cord. I shoot the ripcord and love it, but if I get a new bow I'll get the QAD Ultra Rest. They are both great and have almost identical features, I'd pick the QAD because it has a bit simpler design and is easier to replace the string if you are a high repetition shooter.
X2. Generally a sign of weak spine or fletching contact (assuming you aren't torquing the bow). Can you post up the specs of your bow/arrow setup (draw weight, draw length, arrow setup/weight)? Many here will be able to tell you just based off those numbers where you fall spine wise. Putting some foot powder or lipstick on your fletching will indicate any clearance issues you might be having as well. Save the file shown in my signature and give it a good read over. It's a great resource for basic/moderate bow tuning.
Well. Its an old bow to start with. It is variable between 28-30" draw and between 45-60# pull. I have it set at 28" and would estimate that it is drawing in the 55# area based on the available travel in the set up. As far as arrow weight or spine I haven't a clue. Those are going the way of the Dodo too. That QAD rest is appealing. It captures the arrow and should not interfear with the fletchings either. Thanks.
I have both the QAD and the WB. People that have issues that you described with the WB generally don't have their bow in proper tune. I've been shooting blazers through mine on my '06 BowTech for three years and have yet to wear out either the rest or a vane with it. It's simple and idiot proof, well almost idiot proof I guess... It'd do you good on that rig and save you a bunch of money over the QAD.
Nope. If it gets bad enough that ice builds up on it then all you have to do is push on it with your finger and it's all good. It's actually less temperamental to freezing than a drop away.
I've had pretty good luck with my Whammy. It's not a "full containment" per say, but it's pretty close. It's also fast enough for any bow. Excellent adjustability and repeatablilty of adjustment.
so wich qad rest is everyone using, i see that have about 4 different ones? what is the advantage of the qad rest over a whisker biscuit?
I use a trophy taker shakey hunter and love it but unfortunity it's not full capture. It cost abot $80 I think
I use the rip cord and have problems clearing my fleching everytime and I will either switch to the vapor trail or the WB.I think the WB is fine but there are some arrows that are smoother and don't make the noise that others do and be sure and get the one for carbon if shooting carbon
I have also resently seen Scorpion Venom's WB spray for ice and noise protection. Of course, you could always stick your finger through to clear it out! Looking at their (WB's) site, the critical thing is sizing the center hole properly to your arrow shaft.