Last night while loading up for my weekly trip to the cabin I witnessed about 20 seconds of pure hell for a doe and fawn I was walking across my yard when I heard what sounded at first like a hysterical laugh... the noise was not a laugh, it was a fawn crying like a baby with a big coyote about 3-4 yards behind it and closing fast! about that time I noticed the Doe trying her best to intervene. By this time they were all about 15-20 yards from me... All I could do was start yelling at the coyote. They all turned and ran from my yard, the fawn ran down my driveway and the Doe then turned the tables on the Coyote and was chasing the coyote across the field away from the fawn. this all happened in broad daylight. I really need to get rid of some of these coyotes
I'd hang some raw spoiled meet low from a tree branch and sit with my bow or shotgun and wait. Take those bast***s out! If they will come in your yard after a fawn who knows what else they would come after in the yard.
Two weeks ago I watch a bobcat roll a fawn 20' from my son and I while riding the atv. The bobcat dropped the fawn when it saw me, but as it ran into the woods the fawn ran in 5' behind it.
I hate a damn coyote. They make so much noise here at night. Every time I go to sit outside by the fire at night I hear them. It's almost every single night. One of these days I'm going to get me a little AR or something and pluck a few of them off. :D Cool story though. Agreed. And it makes you wonder about letting kids outside in the yard during the day. I think I remember reading about a coyote trying to attack a kid a couple years back.
Yeah coyotes are scary. Last Saturday I was at my parents with my 3yr old niece, we were in the garden walked back up to the house about 30yds away. About that time my dads dog went nuts and we turned around and there was coyote standing in the corn where we just were. Went for the 300 win mag but by the time we got to it he was in the neighbors yard standing right next to their car. Couldn't believe how close he got in daylight with 5 people standing outside and 2 dogs.