Hey guys, I have NEVER seen so many deer around as I have this summer ... they are everywhere .... and the BUCKS Iam seeing ... I am talking in the city, at my hunting grounds, all around the thruways ...... anyone else notice this in their areas???
I had my trail cams out earlier and didn't get even one pic of a buck. I know there's a few around but just not where I had my cams I guess. As far as random deer sightings, just as many as always I suppose. Good to hear Tony, looks promising eh??
Yeah it does, Schultzy .... the activity is crazy around here .. it may be just WNY ... the outlook for the season looks very good :d
Well it looks like the Does numbers are down a bit. Not sure if they are still hanging low with their fawns but the bucks are out in full force. I have only been out scouting twice and probably seen 13 different bucks! Good luck this year brother!
I am definitely observing more deer sign this year. More deer scat and the trails seem to be worn down more this year. In addition, there appears to be more total trails that were not there last year but this could be attributed to the additional turkeys. Actual physical deer sightings are about the same or up a little bit in my opinion
Sunday was my first time out this year looking...took the family for a ride around where we hunt - I could not believe the number of deer we saw! And suprisingly saw a lot of bucks well before dark...one group included 4 bucks that were all shooters with one being a Whopper...we parked the car and took turns glassing them...and of course the kids blew the grunt call in the suburban - was great to see them excited and proud when they spotted deer first
I have noticed a significant increase in summer deer sightings. They have been out earlier, more frequently, and in larger groups than I have ever noticed in North MO and South Central IA during the summer. It's been crazy. I asked a local farmer from North MO if he had noticed it also, and he said he had never seen so many deer for this time of year. I just put trail cams out about a week and a half ago, but I haven't checked those yet.
we have an icrease here as well...before this season i had never seen a fawn before, this year i have seen twins fawns with thier mother on three different occasions. if i glass at night i can expect to see a good thirty fourty deer though out our hunting property.
They are saying our deer population is down 50-66% from the highs of two years ago. I have still been seeing deer, but not nearly as many as I used to. The high wolf population and two hard winters in a row has made a pretty good dent in the population. Not to mention too many NR hunters coming to the area expecting to see a booner behind every tree and shooting a 1.5-2.5 year old the last day to fill their tag/ego has hurt the mature buck population as well.
I know they're there (in larger than usual numbers based on last years observations), but I'm seeing VERY little in the fields in the evenings. Absolutely ZERO bucks.
Here in Northern Missouri I've got a great crop of nice looking bucks. We've had a real wet year this year and I know that's helped with antler growth and the overall health of the herd.
PT, that's what happens if you don't kill any of them! :d JK, hope it's a great season for you up there in NY.
John ... bite me :d besides, I kill plenty of them ... justnot with the bow as of late ....this is my year ..:d