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Deer/Predator Interaction

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by OKbowhunter, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. OKbowhunter

    OKbowhunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Stillwater, OK
    What are some of the theories you guys have on how deer deal with predators? (coyote, bobcat, etc.)

    I have a few myself. I just wanted to know what you guys think.

    It is pretty obvious that deer and predators aren't "buddies". But I don't think they are the sworn enemies that they are made out to be. To me, it seems like more of a "Don't bother me and I won't bother you" relationship. I think for the most part they simply avoid each other and problems don't normally occur. Probably the most stressful time of year for a deer (as far as safety) is when the fawns are still dependent on their does to take care of them. They seem to be on "guard mode" during that time. That is understandable, the same applies to most animals when they have young offspring.

    Here is a couple situations from this year:

    I had 2 does bedded 80 yards from my stand. A coyote appears from the treeline and begins walking toward them. He trots by, 30 yards from the deer, and nothing happens. The does give him a glance as he goes by, he looks at them, and they both continue on with their day.

    I watched a doe walking along a trail, working toward me. From the other direction a bobcat is walking toward me, on the same trail. They are on a collision course. When they finally get 15 yards from each other, they both freeze is a stare-off. 5 seconds later the doe blows out of the area, and the bobcat continues down the trail and out of sight.

    The point I am trying to make:

    Predators are often given the image of bloodthirsty savage animals, and I don't really think that is the case. Even their name implies it, "Predator". That is the name of a something that hunts to kill, after all.

    I think the only time that problems occur is when things get a little "too close for comfort". Even then, nothing gets killed, just scared away. Have you ever seen a coyote take down a deer? A fawn maybe, but a 1 year or older deer? I think they are too smart try something like that, unless they are desperatley starving or the deer is unhealthy and weak. I'm sure there are cases where it has happened, but it is certainly not the norm.

    What do you guys think?
  2. boonedog

    boonedog Weekend Warrior

    Oct 19, 2008
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    Tucson, Arizona
    Hey OKbowhunter, I think for the most part you are correct in your thought process. However, my brother did see 3 coyotes chasing a mature doe this year. He said that she didn't look too freaked out and actually browsed on some twigs for 10 seconds or so before bounding off again. She had about a 30 second lead as the coyotes came barreling by. Interesting!
  3. isaiah

    isaiah Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 17, 2008
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    i think u hit it on the head OK. unless the animal is smaller than the predator i dont think the predator really thinks much of it on every encounter. predators are just as smart and for the most part opportunists, not all to diff from us bow hunters. they know what to look for in a potential meal (weak, small, loner or old) that will give it the least amount of fight. bullies dont go smacking bigger dudes, its that quiet guy in the corner with cauliflower ear (bear/cougar)who will square off with you in that path, stare you down and make you run for your life, that you gotta watch out for...
  4. dmjarb01

    dmjarb01 Weekend Warrior

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Louisville, KY
    I agree to some extent. I think for the most part they don't bother one another if the predator isn't hungry. I would also agree that for the most part the predator go after fawns, probably wounded ones at that. But I have seen, on a Drury outdoors video, two coyotes killing what looked like a 3.5 yr. old buck. But I kind of doubt that is the norm, except in places where coyotes are really over populated.
  5. in da woods

    in da woods Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    S.E. Wisconsin
    I think it depends how hungry the predator is. Whether or not their hunting need is how empty their belly is. I think if they haven't eaten in quite some time, they may try to take a yr. old deer.
  6. Rob / PA

    Rob / PA Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Hughesville, PA
    2 years ago I watched a 6 point come face to face (10 yards) to a coyote. They both stood there staring at each other for a couple minutes. The buck took a couple hops, the coyote lunged forward the buck stopped, the coyote turned and walked away, the buck wagged his tail and walked away.

    Now a pack on a hunting party....they know what they are doing. Drury's have 3 yotes trapping and tearing apart a booner of a buck. 2 dogs pushed the buck into a ravine where the 3rd one was waiting, when the buck hit the ravine, they caught him and tore open his stomach.
  7. Iowa Veteran

    Iowa Veteran Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 10, 2008
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    I don't know, I had 17 does and 3 bucks take off when coyotes came into the field. A single coyote, I don't know how they would react, but when 4 came in, all the deer took off quick.
  8. deer_predator

    deer_predator Weekend Warrior

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Central Illinois
    I just think y'all are pickin on my screen name....LOL

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