I would like to know what kind and brand of deer lures you use. How well does the lure work for you. And if you use this lure in any unique ways.
I quit using the stuff, just another thing to bring in the woods. When I used to use it the best stuff I ever used was Rickard's Love Potion #9 but they stopped making it. I had some bad experiences with Tinks and Code Blue in the past.
Well this will vary from hunter to hunter. I had a really old buck Taxidermist said 7.5 years old 18 points come in at 10 yards and literally stick his nose in my film canister with Tinks doe in heat in there. I have also had a buck come up and touch my hanging wick at 20 yards with Wildlife research Golden Esterous. I have also had many bucks not care in the world I had anything out. As you probably know there is no magic attractant but could bring in a curious animal. I still use some but am thinking of going without it a season just to see if I notice a difference. It would be nice to free up one more thing to do before climbing up.
I've used expensive single deer lures and common box-store shelf items, from my own expirience, the most reactions i've seen, time and time again (and I know it's deer and deer mood specific) was from Trails End 307.
I've used expensive single deer lures and common box-store shelf items, from my own expirience, the most reactions i've seen, time and time again (and I know it's deer and deer mood specific) was from Trails End 307.
I agree that the deer has to be In the right mood to check out a scent. I use Golden Estrous most of the time for doe in heat. One of my best tactics is to use a mock scrap and I use a buck tarsal gland lure from Trails End. Once upon a time had a big name sponsor and they gave me gallons of all the lure I wanted. I poured many gallons of doe in heat on the ground and on everything I could. I never had a deer come in to any of the scents in 5 years of trying to use their products. The company that made the scents comeback to me was it did not scare any deer and they were right. It did not scare one deer in 5 years. I did have a couple of bucks stop and check out a scent line but they never came down the trail. And yes I did do all the gloves and keep human scent away…………….. The two products from above are what worked for me.
I like plain old doe piss to make the deer feel comfortable. Not too much or too often. The only deer I've ever had come into an estrus wick are a few 1.5 yr old bucks and a big old mature doe lol. She came in on a string straight to it..strange, but I guess she was just curious.
I put doe piss [ spray] on the bottom of my boots when I go into the woods, more of a cover up then a attractant lure.I have had a few deer follow my trail into my stand area mostly does. I'm starting to wonder if this is actually scaring some of the bigger bucks off? The brand I have been useing is Knight & hale doe urine.
Golden Estrous and Trails End have worked for me. It seems that the yearlings were very interested in the Trails End and the 1.5-2.5 year old bucks were interested in the Golden Estrous. I have never seen a mature buck follow a scent trail...therefore I quit using them. I think being absolutely as scent free as possible is the best way to go.
James Valley scents have worked well for me. I used Wallhanger for a number of years and had good luck attracting bucks and does. Now I just use a local company's doe in heat, it smells totally different than any commercial scents I've used. My dad uses Buck Bombs, too expensive and too potent IMO.