I always wanted to hunt with a decoy but i never really knew what to do. Could you guys give me some tips like buck or doe for what times? Thanks
I am going to get the E-Z buck this year and use him during the pre-rut and rut around areas that have bigger bucks. Last year I did a little experimenting with tarsal glands - I will definitely use them more this fall (ask a processor for some). I believe it is beneficial to use tarsal glands from deer you did not shoot around that area because it is a unfamiliar smelling deer and increases interest in deer passing down wind. I might tag team the buck decoy with one of those bedded doe decoys. If I put tarsal glands next to each....WHO KNOWS WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN! My buddy are planning on video taping each other. The tarsal glands are a key component IMO.
i HAVE USED doe decoy several times with mixed results.If you hit the rut perfect with a good scent i can work like MAGIC.I think that it scares the does some times as well. Im not an expert with them maybe someone that uses them alot will post...
You will scare deer more often then have it work depending on what part of the country you hunt with it in. You are always going to have mixed results and you learn a bunch each time you use it. The key to it all is WIND.... time of year plays a part but if you dont have it set right for the wind then your wasting your time. Bucks will approach other buck decoys head on so position the deek for a quartering away shot or broadside. Doe decoys- position so the wind is hitting her in the face and bucks will approach from the rear scent checking her... once again position for the best shot position
My experience with decoys has been fair once the deer was in the zone and looking at the decoy, you could do anything and they would not catch you, some even come back after a few minutes but after they spook they dont fall for the deal twice,kind of like turkey hunting there is a point where to many people are using them and they stop coming to them,like the grunt call.ect ect. First time in is aw some sight, I just got tired of carrying in and out. best of luck.