NORRISTOWN — A deer hunt is slated for Norristown Farm Park in January and hunters will be chosen in a lottery, according to a statement issued Thursday from Montgomery County Department of Parks and Heritage Services. The Farm Park is continuing the program it began in 2005 to reduce the deer population in an effort to keep the animals from over browsing park vegetation that prevents the forest from regenerating. Deer are also having an effect on nearby farmland and private property. The hunt also aims to reduce the number of deer-vehicle collisions and incidents of Lyme Disease. • Thirty-eight hunters will be selected in a public lottery Saturday, Dec. 10, at 10 a.m. for the planned hunt scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 25, between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. On the day of the hunt, the park will be closed to the general public. • Participants will be required to use a 12-gauge shotgun with slug ammunition — buckshot is prohibited — to shoot only antlerless deer, according to the Parks and Heritage Services statement. • All hunters will be required to hunt from their own self-climbing tree stands equipped with safety harnesses. No ladder stands, screw-in pegs or other devicesthat could damage treesare permitted. • As well, all participants selected must scout their respective hunting area and choose a tree where they will set up their portable climberthe day of the hunt. Special accommodations will be made for those with documented physical limitations or restrictions. • All interested candidates must possess a minimum of one antlerless deer tag for Wildlife Management Unit 5C. • Hunters must at least 21 years old, with the exception of active duty or full-time military personnel, who must be at least 18. • To apply for the lottery,prospective huntersshould mailor dropoff a three-by-five card with the following: Name, legal address, telephone number, driver’s license number, Pennsylvania hunting license number and WMU Area 5C antlerless tag number(s). • Also, each applicant is asked to submit a self-addressed, stamped business-size envelope for return correspondence.
NORRISTOWN — A deer hunt is slated for Norristown Farm Park in January and hunters will be chosen in a lottery, according to a statement issued Thursday from Montgomery County Department of Parks and Heritage Services. The Farm Park is continuing the program it began in 2005 to reduce the deer population in an effort to keep the animals from over browsing park vegetation that prevents the forest from regenerating. Deer are also having an effect on nearby farmland and private property. The hunt also aims to reduce the number of deer-vehicle collisions and incidents of Lyme Disease. Thirty-eight hunters will be selected in a public lottery Saturday, Dec. 10, at 10 a.m. for the planned hunt scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 25, between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. On the day of the hunt, the park will be closed to the general public. Participants will be required to use a 12-gauge shotgun with slug ammunition — buckshot is prohibited — to shoot only antlerless deer, according to the Parks and Heritage Services statement. All hunters will be required to hunt from their own self-climbing tree stands equipped with safety harnesses. No ladder stands, screw-in pegs or other devicesthat could damage treesare permitted. As well, all participants selected must scout their respective hunting area and choose a tree where they will set up their portable climberthe day of the hunt. Special accommodations will be made for those with documented physical limitations or restrictions. All interested candidates must posses a minimum of one antlerless deer tag for Wildlife Management Unit 5C. Hunters must at least 21 years old, with the exception of active duty or full-time military personnel, who must be at least 18. To apply for the lottery,prospective huntersshould mailor dropoff a three-by-five card with the following: Name, legal address, telephone number, driver’s license number, Pennsylvania hunting license number and WMU Area 5C antlerless tag number(s). Also, each applicant is asked to submit a self-addressed, stamped business-size envelope for return correspondence. Mail completed applications to: Norristown Farm Park, 2500 Upper Farm Road, Norristown, PA 19403. And please mark “Deer Hunt” in the lower left corner. No Internet or e-mail applications will be accepted. According to Parks and Heritage, all applications must be post marked or received by the close of businessWednesday, Nov. 30. Only one application per candidate will be accepted, andillegible or incomplete forms will be rejected. Hunters who names are picked in the lottery will be issued a permit and must attend a mandatory safety meeting prior to the hunt. Participants who fail to attend the meeting will be disqualified from the hunt. Pennsylvania Game Commission laws will be in effect the day of the hunt, and the event will be closely monitored for safety and compliance by law enforcement officials. For more information concerning the deer hunt, call Norristown Farm Park office Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4:15 p.m., at 610-270-0215. Additional information related to the hunt may be posted on the web at