i just built a nice deer feeder, but i dont have any feed to put in it. i was wantin to know what i should use for a cheap cost.
What kind of feeder? A feeder with a timer, gravity feeder, pipe feeder? Are you wanting strictly a bait type of feed or are you wanting some type of protein pellet?
Jim, you mentioned protein pellets. what type of protein pellet or high protein seed for food plot would you suggest?
Here is a list of what we use on our property Antler King ® Pelleted Deer And Elk Feed (http://www.antlerking.com/products.aspx) -- The deer seem to really like this and it is packed with protein. However, if you're looking for a protein punch as well as other mineral supplementation Whitetail Institute's products are a good way to go(http://www.whitetailinstitute.com/products/3006/) Protein is important but there are other minerals such as calcium and phosphorus that are also very influential. Hope this helps!
I'd go with corn. It runs about $5 a bag around here (50lbs). It's what we use year round buckmaster94, Antler King has some great products as far as seed goes. As far as protein pellets, we go to the local feed store and see what kind of pellets they have. Sometimes they have a high protein pellet for livestock which deer will eat. It's not quite as good as pellets made specifically for deer, but the price is a whole lot cheaper
thats what my buddy uses. its around 5 dollars for a 50 lb bag here to. i havn't had a chance to go and get some corn so i decided to use some of the apples from my apple tree. It seems to be working well.
One thing about Corn is that it is like candy for whitetails. They'll eat it up and it will provide them with some fat, however, other than that there is very little nutritional value. What I've heard many people do, and we may do it this year, is get the tag of off a deer-specific mineral supplement or protein mix and take the tag to a local co-op to see if they'll mix you up something similar. This route is much cheaper and just as effective from what I've heard.
i like feeders for after season trailcam pics it's fun thing to do when the snow flies and i am board to death, if your state allows you to hunt over bait that deer may cost $$ for your corn bill for a single deer.