Looking for a home remedy to deter deer. I have a neighbor that set a stand right on the property line (one foot on his side) and his only option is to shoot over. We have had the line professionally surveyed because he thought he owned a 100 ft. more then what he actually does. And he still hunts the stand and spooks more deer then he shoots. I am in no way trying to destroy his stand or his land, but just want to have the deer stay away from his stand so he finally moves it to where he can shoot on his land, with out costing me money. I normally wouldnt care if someone did shoot over, but he has been a total pain to everyone in the area. My stand is about a 130 yards away from his so nothing to strong to totally scatter them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
thanks for the tips, i have heard of the hair thing, but thought it was just a wives tail. Its worth a try even though he hasnt hunted that stand this year yet.
If it is that big of deal to you, just cut a few trees to make a barrier on your side so the deer will no longer walk within range of the fence stand.
This is a tricky situation. Have you tried talking to the neighbor about this? My guess is he only has a small area to hunt; but maybe you can work out a deal. In my experience the harder you try to change the natural instincts of the deer - the worse the property becomes. You could consider a food plot/bedding area on the other side of your property? Good luck!
good thinking neal, sometimes stirring up the pot can get a bit messier than you want it too, even if your right!
An even easier way to fix the problem is to walk to his stand and take a leak on his climbing sticks your smell will be there but no trace of any evidence.. just do this about 1 a week for a month and he will move it
Anything you put near his stand will have only a short term effect and will mean constant work on your part and sounds exhausting. I will share a secret that will help you here. It normally only needs to be applied once and will have lasting effects. It involves beer but coffee or even soda will work. It also involves a little bit of gas, a little fat and your hand. Here is the recipe. Drive over to the other fellas house or invite him to yours. (gas) share some beer or coffee or soda Chew the fat a bit. Shake hands. Then wait for it to work. Results can be seen in as little as one day. Results may vary. Life is like a box of chocolates. Most folks are good and honorable people with a creamy center. Some are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling but they are rare. Talk it out. You might make a new friend.
If what Rancid Crabtree posted doesn't work try the following link http://www.google.com/products?clie...esult_group&ct=title&resnum=3&ved=0CEkQrQQwAg
already tried dealing with the guy in a civil manner for years. I will try some of the things mentioned thanks. As far as food plots and such, we already have those in place.