I am just wondering how we know that the pics posted for score are recent. 1 of the pics posted has a date stamp of 2006. Should'nt we atleast have our tag on in the pic to show the correct season ?
Before all of the bashing starts I know that there is a Z7 in the pic so it is recent but I am just wondering.
Yeah it's just fun, the winners get a superficial "claim to fame" for a year. The honor system will do nicely...some are too busy hunting to set the time and date stamp on the camera.
I know I don't take the time to set some of my scouting cameras time and dates and that's pretty important haha
Lmao! The date on my watch is wrong but my trails cams are all set at the same time and date. But I understand that it is the honor system. good luck to all that are in........
it would be like shooting it with a rifle and claiming to shoot it with a bow.....in the end they would only be cheating themselves!
Not giving anyone ideas but you could just blotch out the date real easy anyway. Photo-shop is a scary thing in this day in age. Also someone could shoot a deer with a gun, grab their bow and take a picture I suppose also. Lastly, the measurements are on the honor system as well. Your not going to stop the cheaters from cheating. If someone is that much of a low life that they need to cheat on a just for fun contest like this, I say let them win.
I realize my date is wrong on my camera but I am shooting a 2010 bow so that should pretty much vouch for the wrong date on the camera.
Sorry heavy hitter it was not directed at you thats why I mentioned your bow right after I posted the question. I just made me wonder thats all. "Before all of the bashing starts I know that there is a Z7 in the pic so it is recent but I am just wondering"