Deer Calling Tactics you can WATCH work!

Discussion in 'Manufacturers, Press, and Pro-Staff' started by Weekend Woodsmen, Oct 30, 2018.

  1. Weekend Woodsmen

    Weekend Woodsmen Weekend Warrior

    Nov 24, 2013
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    We have watched a lot of videos on deer calling, and we would get frustrated by hearing things like "Imagine This Scenario" or "Do this when X is happening" but it has nothing but a talking head describing situations hypothetically. Some of the info is actionable, but many times it is missing important context. We decided to make a better "How to" deer calling video! We did it by walking through actual hunts where we are calling to deer that would otherwise pass out of range. We hold nothing back, and even show when we screwed up. We think this is the most relatable deer calling video you will find. What are some of your go to tactics? Enjoy!

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