ok fellas...I have turkey hunted for a handful of years with limited success. But I don't really go out myself that much, my buddy usually goes and helps. Anyway...What is a good decoy setup? I have a couple hens and a jake decoy. Should I use the jake? I can also borrow my buddies decoy that uses a real fan if need be. Help me out.
My son and I used a Full strut Tom and a Hen, scared the other Toms off. We then switched up to a hen and a jake, about a half a foot apart with the jake bringing up the rear, if ya know what I mean! They came running in a couple different times. We had a Tom come in and hang around for a couple minutes but offered my son NO SHOT, after he walked off a jake came running in and my son Killed his first bird over this set up! Worked great, but you just never know with turkeys!
I've used a jake and hen, but I've had better success using a lone feeding hen. The birds where Ive been hunting (SW Ohio) won't make a sound until 1/2 hour after sunrise. The TOTAL opposite of the Indiana birds who gobble like crazy on the roost, then shut up about 15 minutes after fly down. If your birds aren't henned up right now, maybe get a single hen out in an open area and if you hear a gobble far off, start cutting and yelping loudly and then shut up. Im no expert, just a suggestion. Good luck to you, you'll get em
It working that same way here in WI, they wont gobble until 30 mins after they fly down. That sucks because if you didnt roost em the night before your kinda screwed cuz you cant find em!
I've been hunting over two FeatherFlex hens and a B-mobile Jake this year... i like how the setup looks, but can't give you any definitive feedback as my usual turkey luck is still with me this year. Funny, live in one of the best turkey states in the country, and my buddies will have turkeys all around them -- until I go with them the next time. We don't hear a gobble or see a bird when I go, LOL.
something that i learned from Heartland bowhunters and believe me it works, Attach a real fan to a jake decoy and rig it where it will move up and down with fire line string. I also attached a set of dried and clipped down real turkey wings to it. Im telling you the movement and real feathers is big medicine!! They cant resist if they can see it. I also use a hen with it, nothing spacial just a hen.