Sorry Peakrut but this is just wrong I can't believe you let her get away with this ! ! Opinions on decorating mounts for XMAS ? ? Fair or foul ??
I work for a sporting goods store and the girls always want to put hats on the mounts. I hate it. Totally disrespects the animal, IMO.
My fiance has tried to do this the last 2 years. I told her absolutely, positively, no way in hell its happening. This is one thing I won't let happen. I told her she can put as much decoration up around the house as she wants, but nothing is going on my mounts. We have a good understanding now and it really wasn't that big of a fight, but I had to get my point across.
I have a hat on the rack of the shoulder mount in my bedroom is that ok? Other then hats I never hang anything on my mounts.
It's " my " freakin' deer mounts. They are not to be decorated. Ever !! You can decorate your's any way you want. Tim
ughh... really? you guys take your heads that seriously? let the family enjoy them for a couple days as much as you do year round. I wish I was home right now to post a pic of our big Vermont bull moose that still has a santa hat from last Christmas propped up on his head. My little bros think it was the coolest thing to decorate them for the holidays and it actually makes them that much more interested in the mounts and hunting in general. Creating a positive vibe around the mounts and hunting for that matter for our families is probably the most important thing we can do. We are the ones that vanish for 2+ months every Fall let alone shed hunting, working the land all summer and preseason scouting... I'm not saying to let the kids hang from the mount but lighten up fellas. Its not disrespecting the animal its making it a part of your family's celebration.
I acually walked into my cousins house tonight and saw basically the same thing. I thought it was great lol.
I will never hang anything on my mount. I will show him the respect he deserves. I didn't shoot him to hang stuff on him, that's what trees are for!