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Decided to try my luck with my muzzleloader today....not good

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Mossman, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. Mossman

    Mossman Newb

    Dec 7, 2009
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    Went to my uncles farm this afternoon with my T/C to thin out some does for him. ive had the worst luck with deer this year, havent let any arrows or slugs fly all year and i need some meat, im gettin desperate. shot a doe while walkin to the stand 100-110 yds, looked like a great shot, she was barely standing up when she stumbled into the thicket. planned to let her lay, so i got up in the stand and about 45mins later i thought to myself "let me go drag this deer to the woods edge so i dont have to mess around in this thicket in the dark." found an awesome blood trail, bleedin out of both sides, thought for sure shed be laying close to the fields edge. about 10 yrds in i jumped her up. went home waited 2 hours came back with 2 buddys, no more blood past where i jumped her, and no dead deer anywhere. we searched and searched. what an awful year im havin, im not givin up yet tho, i would love to get some meat in my freezer.
  2. Dan

    Dan Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    NW Wisconsin
    I won't start.
  3. Mossman

    Mossman Newb

    Dec 7, 2009
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    well i thought for sure that was a stone dead deer, she was all ****ed up tryin to get to cover after the shot, and there must of been a 1/2 gallon of blood within the 1st 10 yards. such a big mistake. my gut told me to stay in the stand and hunt until dark. just makes me mad that ive had the worst year yet, and now this happens

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