Looking for a sub lease of property in NY region 8 on or near the state boarder for bow hunting. This my first experience at searching on the computer so bare with me.Hunting camp or house would be nice if available.Obvisously good hunting opportunitys a must.Any info would be greatly appreciated phone numbers preferred but will continue to peck away on the computer my phone number774-521-7026. Looking for some place I can hunt all week and stand a chance at seeing at least 10 -20 deer per week. Need to get my plans going for this fall.
Anything worth paying for in Steuben Co will NEVER make it to the internet. I would be VERY skeptical of anything in Steuben that went unleased for any amount of time.
Hey Atlasman thanks for the reply I really appreciate the info I have no idea whats out there.Im looking to go somewhere I can bowhunt and get the opportunity for some decent shots in a weeks time. I heard through a friend of somewhere in the So. western part of N.Y. that was great but the family wasnt leasing any more it was close to the Pa. boarder.Here on Cape Cod I can go all season without a shot,to much time away fron work. Again thanks for the info.
Save youre money and hunt the state land around here if ya just wanna shoot something. Lots of rack bucks and doe running around.
No problem man. Just giving you a heads up. Not to sound silly but if you are traveling anyways and are willing to come to WNY then why not just keep going for 2 more hours and hunt Ohio??......out of state license is cheap and you have a LEGIT shot at a big buck.........even on public land. If you are looking for some enjoyable hunting with a decent chance of success and a realistic high end goal of a buck around 100" then Mantis is correct........NY has vast state lands capable of producing this experience.......as I would think most states do. Steuben is as good as it gets in NY.......don't get me wrong. I can just tell you from living and hunting here my whole life that anything worth dropping your hard earned money on will not be available long enough to make it to the internet. Best of luck in your search.