Anybody seeing anything out there this weekend? Pulled cards yesterday and more pics of deer I showed earlier that I would shoot. Nice 8 pointer probably around 140ish and the 10 point that will go around 150ish. The 10 pointer I believe is a stud 3-4 year old. Another year would be great for him, but I don't think I have the patience if I get a shot this year.
Not a lot of action for me. Buddy saw a doe and a fawn. Got a couple young bucks and a small 6 or 8 point on camera yesterday. Hunted this AM no action.
I have been waiting to get a shooter on camera to go out and look what was on the camera when I checked today! It's on now!
Opening day here is Saturday and man am I pumped!! We have put out 120$ worth of acorn rage, sugar beat crush and some other attractans hoping to draw those deer in for opening weekend! got one of our shooters coming in by my stand that I would love to put an arrow through. way too many turkey in our foot plot so I plan on getting on a fall turkey tag and been having a bunch of coyote pictures lately during the day. been doing quite a bit of reading and a lot of people say to not hunt mornings in early season. I think I'm gonna follow that on this main piece of property because its not worth it. Theres too much season to screw up over a few morning hunts. I will however hunt a couple other pieces of property in the morning that have very easy access routes are only an acre or so but with a corn pile being thrown out, I should have some luck on putting some meat down early.
Frazier...... Did you enter your doe into the official contest thread? They were trying to get everyone to report them quicker this year. 2 pictures needed. Thanks
Scarps I'm scouring the forum to find where we post the pics without success. There's mention of it but I don't see the link. I am on my iPhone without access to a computer. Could you post the link which would be good for the team anyway as a shortcut?
I use tapatalk with my phone so no link. For anyone else...the official scorecard is at the top of the 2014 deer hunting contest. Same spot as all the hunting teams. It is always at the top. Everyone needs two pics with yourself, deer, and bow in it. They would also like when shot and also gear used. Does are 50 points. Bucks are scored on score. If anyone needs help with a scoring tutorial their is a good one on this site. Just ask if needed.
tomorrow is opening day in OH and man am I excited!! plan on hunting small pieces of property in to morings with easy access routes hunting over corn piles and hopefully get some meat down early. Then buck hunting at my main piece of property in the evenings to bone hunt!
I'm jealous of everyone hunting already hunting. Good luck tomorrow on first day out and anyone else out for the weekend. After grabbing a couple of things last week from bow shop I ended up walking out last night with a new bow. Bad timing for start of season being Oct 1st. Bowtech Experience floor model for $650. Looks like it hasn't been touched. Strings should be settled in if they were to move. They usually do since I have a long draw. I'll be shooting a lot this weekend to make sure everything is good to go. I still have old bow with everything on it ready to go if needed. This only makes waiting much worse. Bale blind will be completed this afternoon and I'll add pictures once done. One more stand to hang and I should be ready to go. This is much later than I usually do this stuff. Usually have all stands in a month before at least.
I might try and get out this weekend for the opener. With the high temps and mostly night time buck activity on cameras I'll probably just end up checking cams and getting my mock scrapes started. It's possible a Sunday evening doe hunt might happen.
Have plenty of 50 pointers running around Did come across this the other day checking cams Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk