Here are a few pics from some plots and trail cams. Season opens on 9/27 and I can't wait to get out and stick a doe. Need some freezer meat!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Nice pics. Good looking food plot and deer. I love that avatar. "I just threw it together." Haha. I can do captain if needed. If buckeyehntr wants to that is fine with me.
Haha, most of it was simple and fast, the Mathews bow was pretty tricky to trim up and add. Glad you guys like it, a name that cool deserves something pretty nice.
Boys!!! It is getting cold here in KS! Teal season opens Saturday and I'll be headed to Cheyenne Bottoms to get after them. We are getting hit with quite the cold front. Monday the season opens, and I may hit up some public land that is close and try to plug a doe. Otherwise I'll be headed back the following weekend and will be hunting hard!
Good luck ducks. I still have a few weeks before I can hit the woods. We got a nice cold front today in IL that made it feel a lot more like deer season than it had the last few weeks Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
55 here right now. Feels like hunting weather. Getting more and more antsy. Oct 1st is close. Good luck shooting some teal.
Can't wait till Saturday! NJ season early bow. It's my first season hunting in NJ and over bait. It's still warm for deer movement but I'm hoping to get lucky early morning or late evening before last light. Death Dealer in full effect! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Well just finished up celebrating my daughters 1st b-day which was a blast!!! Loving the cold weather we just got here in KS getting me really pumped to get out and start slinging some arrows on Tuesday night when I get off work!!! Hoping to put at least a doe down this first week then really start hunting hard for a buck!!!
Hopefully some of this cooler weather from the Midwest heads east to NJ. Good luck to those starting this weekend. Whether going for meat or antlers....shot em straight with big blood trails.