Here is where buck oats were planted. My father got everything put in with the help of my mom. I put together 2 set of sticks and 1 hang on stand. Pulled two cards from the two cameras I had out. Got some decent deer out there. No monsters, but some nice ones. I'll try to add on here once I get more time.
Checking in from West Virginia. This will be my third season in the contest. Our season starts September 27 and it can't get here soon enough. I've captured a couple nice bucks on camera earlier this year but I've only been getting pictures of does and a couple small bucks over the past month. Our property is usually a summertime honey hole for the bucks around here and they usually dissapear during the rut, so I'm hoping it's the other way around this year. As for the team name and captain, I'm fine with anything and anybody. I'll try to get on here more often now that the competition is on. Hope everybody has a great season!
Welcome wv! I think we r only waiting on 2 guys to show up now Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
I like Team Tag Out and I also like "Brushed In" for a name. I've posted a few times, but give me a day or two to check back and post more. School just got started and with that I've been slammed. Luckily with the 3 day weekend I'll get out to check 2 cameras I have had out (2 hour drive back) for 5 weeks on Saturday. Once I have pics off cams and of Treestands setups and such I'll be sure to post back. I put one camera on the edge of a field where I created my first mock scrape. Not sure if this will get any pics, I may have to move it. The other is over a monster raxx mineral site. I dug down 6-8 inches and put down one bag, then filled it back in and covered the top with another bag. Hopefully that's going strong. Don't have anymore mineral to refresh it, but I may grab some from Cabela's for the time being.
Meet Mr Big. He is a clean 11 pointer with about a 22 inch spread. He could be a booner but it will be close. It will be interesting to see if he sticks around my area.
I sent pms to the missing members last week and wv showed up. I am going to send pms again today to the missing members then I say we put in for replacements if the don't show up by Monday. Anyone against this? Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
Sounds good to me!!! On a side note I have a new number 1 on my hit list after moving some cameras around!
Sounds good to me!!! On a side note I have a new number 1 on my hit list after moving some cameras around! View attachment 50425
Checking fellas. Looks like I'm carrying too many conversations and didn't check in to the right place. Wonder what those other guys are thinking... Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
is everyone good with death dealers? we need to get this going! and has anyone not checked in yet? we need to get our alternates in ASAP!
I believe we are only missing bushnlo. I sent him a pm yesterday to see if he would show up and haven't heard anything yet. Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2
Well boys made it to the property today. I'm getting excited. Corn has been cut and bucks are around (were). Moved one camera on the feeder to get some inventory and another in a brand new spot on the property that I'm excited to see if it gets anything. One cam didn't have much but the one on the monster raxx site got some good ones. 2-300 pics of the 10 point. 150 of the 8, a few of the freak. Have a few other close shooter running around. This 8 is looking really good
Hey fellars, just happened to be browsing through other team threads and seen this post, I'm friends with him on FB, I'll shoot him a message for y'all.