Having a tough time deciding what to do this weekend. I can skip out on Halloween shenanigans to hunt 100% of the daylight Friday. 2 hour drive but I'd get to sit in the biggest front of the year. Thursday-Friday Overnight 27 and cloudy, during the day clear high 55 low 35 and north winds 10mph... I'd be crazy not to hunt even if it's a 2 hour drive. My other option is hunt a buddies place, but man it's looking like a good idea to head back and hunt... Sent from my Moto X
Crazy not to hunt is absolutely correct. Your young, you can hunt and have Halloween shenanigans if you want to. Best of both worlds. If you get a giant buck you don't do shenanigans.....if you don't get a buck you can drive back and enjoy all that Halloween has to offer including, but not limited to lots of good looking cop outfits, nurses, and some other skimpy outfits. Or just hunt!!!! Good luck with your decision. Halloween brings out a lot of tail chasing on several fronts. Haha.
Good way to put it! Lol. I think I'm gonna get after it and hunt. Not sure which stand would produce... I'm tempted to sit my feeder or in the back along the river... Decisions decisions... Sent from my Moto X
Your killing me with this suspense. Details, pictures. Is it a new world record? Over/Under 30 points?
Good work. I'm no good at guessing age by teeth. Maybe someone else can help. Passed on a 10 point probably 140's. 25 yards. Had him stopped broadside. He worked scrape on way to me. Very fun night. Hopefully I don't regret it. 2 other bucks running tonight too. One was decent 8 and the other was wide and nice. Didn't get a chance to glass him.
Awsome buck! Definitely looks mature. Picture from above looking down on the teeth would help me to est. age better. Congrats!
Looking good! So the question is... Hunt feeder a doe hotspot, hunt where I've seen a bunch of deer last cold front where they cross the river, or in the woods where I haven't sat much this year... Sent from my Moto X
Hey guys, sorry I've been out of contact for a while. Been in the woods and class. Haven't seen any of our 6 shooter bucks yet. Very irritating and not sure what to do. We have a little over 110 acres and a lot of it is standing corn so hopefully they'll cut all of that soon and things will pick up. I might go to one small spot today to try and get another doe down. And ps. Good buck bushnlo!! Congrats!!
I'm guessing you know better than we do. If you have a doe brothel that would be a good place to start.
Questions for some of your opinions. 1- too early for estrous scent? 2- how much rattling/grunting at this time and best times to do so? I have had luck with grunting in the past but not rattling. I have a primos rack pack though. And finally- how many stands would you hunt in one day? Thinking of hunting until 9 along the river where they cross and try to rattle one in. Corn stubble and volunteer corn next to this stand. Then switch to my feeder which is about 150 yards west for the afternoon 10a-2pm then get down quick snack and hunt the other end of the property by the highway in the thick woods. Sent from my Moto X
I think estrous is fine now. I sprayed some last night. Mostly trying to cover my scent behind me. The buck that came through had nothing to do with the estrous scent. I wouldn't use it too heavy. I've had luck rattling more than grunting. Sounds like you have had more success grunting. I would grunt then if you want to. Just don't over call. Curiosity kills the cat kind of thing. I would do some rattling mid day just to keep my interest peaked. Anytime can work. It won't always work though. I'm 1-3 on rattling something in this year. I use old antlers from a buck I shot. I've had good luck with those. I have a rattle bag and I personally think it is junk. Never had success with it. Some say shed antlers sound different than others. Trust me I've over thought everything more than needed. If you feel like rattling...rattle it up. Sounds like a good plan for an all day hunt. Moving stands can freshen things up mentally. If one is hot stay put. Just pay attention to the wind and possible bedding areas. Those are my thoughts. Doesn't mean they are correct.
Just got to my buddies place. 30-40 minutes from my property now. Plan is to hunt the back part along the river where they cross. I've got cut corn in my field with beans on the far half, and volunteer corn next to me. Going to try to get in the stand around 6 and do some rattling at first light and early morning. Wind picks up in the afternoon and I may need a nap, but if I'm warm enough which I hope to be I'll stick out the afternoon and evening at my feeder sitting patiently. Would love to see some action in the morning. Sent from my Moto X