have to put in for my days off work today or tommaro, could have October 28th- 6th of Novemeber or 4th of novemeber- 13th... im in Northern Illinois. Any input would be great thanks!
I always take the last week of the season because I could not bear to be at work if I had a tag left..... Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
I don't know about your area, but where I live pre-rut seems to see the most activity, which would be late Ocotber/early November.
I always take off the week before Missouri Rifle season which will be Nov. 3rd - 9th, then the first 2 days of Rifle season. This is generally when I get the most activity on my place. This year, the new moon falls on Nov. 7th which should be good for that week.
I have 3-4 days off every week to hunt. I also have off October 30th-November 20th Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I personally have had more success during the pre rut/scrape phase October 26th-31st than what I have had in November