Start off with this: Then here is my finds for the day in the rain!
I love that song DAWG! My Dad ALWAYS listened to that song when I rode with him in the tractor! Anyway, too bad about the rain but congrats on the sheds! How many is that for you this year?
Some more great finds buddy! Do you quit your job and leave your wife for the few months of shed season? You have more time for this then anyone I know. Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Rackaddict that is 22 for me if you count the broken off tine. Ferg she is singing the deer/shed season blues still. LOL
My flood water pushed the deer to the high ground and I stayed out for a couple days. Now the water is down and I went in for a walk. I cashed in today but once again the tree rats got me again. Here are todays finds!
Come on team! We need one more to tie for first place and two to take the lead. Get out there and get them antlers! Go Go Go Go!!!!!!!
I need to have a bad day at work every day! It was a busy crappy day at work and then went for a walk to cool off. Here is the outcome of that walk! The last shed is a the owner of the broken off tine that I found early in the season on Feb. 10th. I can not believe that I found the shed that the tine belonged to. I was shocked!
man, can I go with you? I found one 8 pointer today, south of Waverly, IL. Coyote I would guess. Saw 3 other dead deer...all bones
My daughter went to a sleep over so I hit the woods! It was a good day and I also saw a couple bucks sporting antlers on heads! Here is todays finds and the first one is a dandy!
Forgot to update my Journal! Here is my last updated and this is my 3,000 post on this site! Woot Woot! ife went shopping so I got out for another walk on 3-29-13! I found some more! I think I am fixing to come to an end on finding some. I saw one buck with a left side and that was the only one. Here are todays finds and the last one is my best spike ever. It is also my smallest ever! So proud of that one.