Walk on 2-19-12! Here is my HOSS that I am after for his sheds. I hope they drop soon. I did not find any sheds but did get these photos yesterday 2-11-12. Walk on 2-26-12! Went out today with only finding one. It is a two pointer right side. I did jump my herd and I did not see my big brow tine buck. I need to hit it hard this week just in case he shed. Need to beat the other hunters plus the tree rats! Here is my shed from today! From today 3-3012! Well, I went out for a walk today and walked for about 5 hours. I wanted to push the herd to my trail cam to see if I could get some videos of some bucks. I was thinking of one buck and if he had shed and that would be HOSS. Then I got back to the back of the property where the second herd was hanging and then I spotted him. He still had a full rack. Here is the pictures from today and Hoss!
best pic on this site! Love it! My second favorite threat (Fitz's hunting journal)....I am heading out right now....taking the camera!
Pics.. Dawg, Great to see all of these fantastic pictures you have taken. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see all the sheds again at the GTG camp. Chase (Extreme 16) and I are really looking forward to it once again this year. We will probably be down on Friday. Looking forward to your Dawg Bites.. Todd Ttraveler Bowhunting.com Pro Staff
Dawg Bite will be there. I have put in for a promotion at work to Sgt so I hope that I am able to take the time off if I get promoted. I will be there if I dont make the cut for Sgt. It should not be a problem though. I have 8 in front of me in seniority so it depends on if they put in for the three spots.
Keep it up Cole! I hope to have close up shots of the antlers soon. There is 5 other guys after that buck and the others have yet to see him. I hope I will be the lucky one to get them. Crossing my fingers and saying my prayers for sure.
hope you get (or got) the promo.... On my last outing I found bones, but not antlers. I found what I think must be a couple of leg bones off a deer that have been cleaned by the Coyote in the area. I heard talk about a young buck found dead on the neighbors property, so I am guessing the yotes have carried the legs to a near by safe place to finish off a snack? I also found a small round skull with a lower jaw. It had two large canine teeth and 4 smaller teeth in-between, thinking young coyote or raccoon, but looked cat-like will post a picture later. Even with no luck on the antlers, you pick up so much insight to the land when you walk it looking for the sheds.
Today was a good day and a so so day! I took my baby girl with me to hit another spot where the big brow tine buck hangs out. My daughter is still in her hunt for her first ever shed WITHOUT dad seeing it first! HE HE HE. She is now walking out from me on her own and not as scared in the woods. I sure wish she would find it soon! I did manage to find one but boy it is an oldy and not sure how I missed it over the past year. The food plot that it was found in is two years old and I walked it last year so I missed it. Here is my daughter and the old shed.
Hoping for the best, I had a crappy walk in the woods. I did not find any sheds but I did catch a couple shots of Hoss before I left out. Here are the pictures I got of him. At least that tells me that no one else has found his antlers since he is still sporting them. Not the best pictures in the world since I had to use manual focus and did not do that great today! LOL
This weekend I picked up 3. Two were from a small/young five point and the other is from a massive 8 point. Had to be a tonster 8....I will post some pictures sometime tonight. Also missed two shots on two different coyote one from about 15 yards....I am sick over it! But so much fun bringing them in!
What a nice day! I took my daughter for a Harley ride then to her singing lessons. After that I decided to go for a walk. I had a hour and half to go for daylight. I started in on a trail that I have not walked for about two weeks. I then came up on the creek where I walked Saturday and found a four point shed that was a fresh one. It still had some goop on the pedicle end of the antler. I was only about 10 minutes into my walk when I found that one too. I then walked up on the hill where my buddy HOSS hangs out at. The herd of deer were hanging up there looking to head to the field. I then did a circle through that area and came up on another 4 point shed that still had blood on it. I did another circle to see if I could find another one but no luck! I did not see HOSS so I hope that he is still sporting so that I can find them next time I go out. I will be trying to hit it hard now that I leave in 11 days for Jamaica! Here are my sheds from today!
hey dawg, nice looking sheds for an hour and half walk...i am in the same area you are in... i was on the real tree site last year but found this one way more exciting...well looks like the bucks are finally shedding in our area, i found a nice matched nine point set last week west out by humiston... have some permission to shed hunt near the area you are at but certainly hope you find the hoss's sheds, looks like you are right on his tail, good luck and hope the next week or so we both have a lot of success.