MI has an early antlerless season for a few days in September and I promised my daugher, Amara, she could come when she was five. Its warm and the deer are still hitting the beans and alfalfa on a regular basis so our chances of seeing deer would be good. My main objective was to get her out in the field and hopefully see a few deer. Mission accomplished! A couple photos before setting up the blind. The first few deer of the evening started entering the opposite side of the field before we had the blind fully setup. My buddy's son was setup on that side so we quickly finished up and ducked inside without spooking them. We saw 15 or so does and fawns but none on our side of the field. My buddy was in the blind with us and we did get to watch his son shoot just over the back of a doe. We were both watching with binocs as he was about 200 yards away and it would have been really cool to see him stick his first deer with a bow. Amara had a blast and even spotted some deer about 250 yards away before either of us saw them. Definitely a hunt I will never forget.
Thats awesome. It is a day you will never forget. I remember the day I took my son out for the first time like it was yesterday. Now I cant wait until my daughter is old enough.
She's a cutie! Its fun taking them out when they are young. You got you a little hunter in the making!
That's awesome, Vito! What a cutie My girls are 8 & 9 and I started them out with some spring turkey action, a year ago. It was hilarius to watch them jump and flinch every time a nearby gobbler boomed a lout one :D