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Danyeck Team season 2019 *Semi-Live*

Discussion in 'Midwest' started by DanyeckAdventures, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    So it has been a while since I have posted anything on here. Mostly because I deleted the app due to lack of space. I am in the stand right now, praying for a nice buck to come by. I will be putting all the hunting videos on our YouTube channel, " Danyeck Team", this morning I snuck into the stand around 5:45 and before I could get set up I had deer all around me. For the next hour I had deer moving all around me so I could not set up until 7. I've seen 1 doe after daylight so it's slowing down but still a great day to be a bowhunter. Hope each and every one of you have success this season! Stay safe and keep bowhunting!

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  2. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    So I was packing up my gear around 9:50 when I happen to look behind me and there was another doe about 30 yrds away. We have a 3:1 ratio of buck to doe so I decided to pass on her today. My buddy who was hunting further east of me but on the same property had a bunch of turkeys fly into the tree with him! Overall, we had a great time in the woods. November 5th he we come!

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  3. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    Back at it. We have had a busy two weeks so minimal time in the stand. We are set up over acorns, corn and bedding. The deer have been showing up around 5:20 pm on the acorns so we hope to at least get a doe.

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  4. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    BUCK DOWN!!!!
    Now I know it is not a big one but it was still an exciting hunt.
    We were set up overlooking bedding, acorns, and corn fields we he finally came past. From the Intel I gathered over the past few weeks, the deer we're eating the acorns around 5:20 pm. So when 5:45 rolled around, and there had been 0 deer, I decided to do some calling. I Started with an easy rattling sequence followed with some light grunting. At 6:00 I glanced at the corn field and there was a buck we called "Curly" since he was usually with two other bucks we called "Moe" and Larry." He crossed over the fence and walked past at 10 yrds. My brother was going to shoot him but he had his release on backwards. By time he got the bow ready again the buck was behind some trees about 20 yrds away. As he walked into the bedding area, I gave him a grunt. He did not show any kind of action towards the grunt. So as he moved away I rattled softly again. Here he comes looking for that fight. My Brother was able to make a good quartering away shot. Double lung!
    This deer was his first deer ever! He was super excited!! IMG_94721.jpeg IMG_20191022_223855.jpeg

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    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
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  5. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    Back at it here in Indiana! It's a nice cool, calm morning. We r back in the same stand my brother shot his buck out of. We already had a deer come right under the stand an hour before daylight. I pulled a card this morning while we were walking in and we have some nice shooters. The only problem is they r nocturnal right now. We are hoping to see some action now that it is daylight. 5229841621632787699.jpeg 3087849653706568269.jpeg

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  6. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    Back in the woods this morning. Picture- perfect rut weather. Cold temps, snow, change of wind speed. I'm set up over a scrape that has been hammered in the past 12 hours. Hoping we can get it done today. I'm going on a trip to Michigan next week so I will miss my favorite day to hunt but hopefully I get one today. There is nothing like hot coffee in the tree stand before daylight.

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  7. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    I wish legal light was 15 minutes earlier. Today I had a buck get up from his bed 35 yards away, make a scrape, and then walk the field edge where I'm at. He stopped right in front of me,10 yrds away, urinated, then ran off looking for does. Legal light was at 7:45; he came by at 7:30. I'm going to put a trail cam on the edge of the field in hopes of seeing this buck later.

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  8. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    I'm finally back in the woods. I had to take a trip to Michigan on the week of the 5th so I missed out on some of the best days in our woods. Ever since I got back though, there has been guys hunting hard on the property I hunt. From sunrise to sunset they have been hunting the past week. So obviously the bucks are all nocturnal. I did get some nice bucks on camera while I've been gone. The Big 8 point we call "Buzz" and I'm still deciding a name for the other one. A buddy of mine is letting me hunt with him on his boss's property today. We set up stands and cameras last night. So far all we have on camera are some does and one small buck. Hopefully today is the day! 8748706983228935900.jpeg 7124038067510855.jpeg

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  9. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    This is both good news and bad news. The bad news is that there has been other hunters hunting the property that I usually hunt so I have had to change location. This morning three out of the four hunters got a buck and one was Mr. Big. I wish that I was the one behind this rack but you can't always get what you want. The good news is, they haven't shot Split yet. With only one Hunter left I'm sure that Split will make it til I can get out there. The hunters should be gone this week. FullSizeR_01.jpeg FullSizeR.jpeg imagejpeg_1.jpeg

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  10. DanyeckAdventures

    DanyeckAdventures Weekend Warrior

    Apr 6, 2018
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    Back at it during gun season. I'm set up in a pinch point between food and bedding. I hope to get it done today. I feel like I have said that a lot the past few weeks I'm after buck or doe.

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