So my old man only got into deer hunting once I showed interest about 12 years ago. He then started rifle hunting and I convinced him into bow hunting in 2009. One his first sits he shot a beautiful 8pt. He then thought it was easy. Big mistake. The land we were hunted was cut clean. Ouch. So his uncle owns and 80 of half hay field and half hardwoods. Appears simple but being rookies we would screw it up early on and never have success. Well in 2013 we went to buck only, this after having five tags a season and is shooting multiple does. I'm 2013 we had no success. So I decided to enter a city hunt. Shot a great buck and two does. Last year I shot two does and seen 17 bucks but never shot at one. So this year I tell him to sign up and we go through the system. My old man had shot spikes both the previous years off the uncles farm, but I wanted him to have more exciting hunting. So we go through the hoops and he gets into the same zone as me. Yesssss. Now we can hang four stands. It's earn a buck in the city hunt(which where we hunt is on the border and big hardwoods. You would never think it's city limits. Which brings in the rifle hunters as well ). My old man started out hunting hard. Always was seeing bucks but no does. I took it slower because all my vaca revolved around nov. So I kill a fawn early oct. Fast forward to a bad shot and wounding a doe. Then followed by a miss. I was having an active season but not going well. My old man was spending hours without seeing a thing. I felt bad because I always let him choose his spot and I would choose second and usually see deee. Nov 2 I kill sleven, a two year old seven point. Next day old man finally shoots fawn. So now we are feeling good. Rut is here and it's time for him. Sit after sit nothing. Ridiculous temps. Rut sucks. He is not having much fun. I'm feeling depressed for him. I can still shoot does but told him I'm gonna wait till you get bone. Yesterday he does and all day. Has small buck and doe at thirty yards. Pulled back and couldn't find a shot. This was early am. Sat all day. Nothing else. Goes out this morning and sees a doe with spikey following behind in the distance. I laughed cause he see spikey a lot. I ask would u have shot him. He says oh ya. So now he is home mopping around and not wanting to go back out. I say it's the rut u need to go. He says lockdown blah nothing moving. I said keep it simple. Sit the hwy stand. That's always a good rut stand. He says or I'll just sit on the couch. Lols. I feel the frustration but I bark just go. I'm driving by my uncles farm just looking at 427 and get a text. Bring the trailer please. Ok u got it. I think I shot a six point. Drive down. Says I nailed him but blood stopped. We go to last spot. I'm colorblind so I say u look and I'll stay at last blood. Well, he is looking and not finding anything. I get bored. Venture different direction and actually find a drop. I feel proud. He comes over and slowly starts finding drops. We go about thirty yards and I would just stay at last blood. We get to one point and I'm shining everywhere as my old man searches for blood. I see the deer laying stone dead about thirty to fourty yards in front him. Well I just stand there. He is still picking through the brush and happily announcing when he finds a piece. I'm just saying oh ok. He like five yards from him still searching and I'm holding back laughter. He turns around and says oh there he is. I burst out laughing. It was great. We high five. Drank some beer and laughed. Nothing better than hunting with family. I'd rather shoot small deer with my family than big ones by myself. It's so much fun. Thanks. Five point. Small busted brow. 149.4lbs.