I know there are many here who are hooked on D & DH magazine, myself included. So you probably have already seen this. But if anyone hasn't check it out, talk about a "wealth of knowledge" so to speak. http://www.fwmagazines.com/product/1231/74 And it seems they have lowered the price about 25% to $74.99.
That is a heck of a deal... The mag is $20 per year to subscribe to and you get 30 years worth on CD for 75 bills.
Yeah I'm definitely ordering it. I am really curious to look at the old stuff and see what has changed and whats stayed the same.
That is an unquestionable amount of knowledge for 75 bucks. I have only been reading it for a few years and I think the mag is tops.
NEW, thanks for sharing that, honestly I've only read a few mags but like was said above, that's a wealth of information for the $. I'll have to add that to my favorites for when I find a little extra chaching.
D&DH is in my opinion the best whitetail mag published. The TV series is great as well. In fact I just renewed my membership for another 3 years. It has some of the best Deer people in the business contributing to the articles and some great photography as well by Charles Alsheimer.
Yep. I saw that in the latest D & DH Mag, I was going to ask the same question, who was going to purchase that collection.