I knew I should have watermarked it. :d Well, here is the link to where I originally discussed this head....I really have NO CLUE how they got that photo. Send me the link if you remember. http://forums.bowhunting.com/yaf_postst1716_Sell-me-a-new-fixed-blade-broadhead.aspx Anyways....it was the end of the ATA show and I was speaking with a gentleman about the head and how curious I was to try it out since I could give him quick feedback as I knew I was hog hunting in over a month (from the date of the ATA show). Basically, he ended up being a REALLY cool guy who I am excited to report back to. He was adamant I would like the head and requested I send photos back, along with any pros and cons about the head once I am back from the hunt. It really left an impression on me as I don't think they were suppose to be handing very many of these heads out yet. I am excited to see how this head flies and report how well the extra bleeder blades work.
Schultzy, I think you will find this head is very well constructed. The main cutting blade is obviously one piece design, with a well-designed washer to hold the bleeders in place. If I get a chance I will take pictures of the head partially apart so you guys can see the washer and how the bleeders are held into place. As for this head in compared to size of a Magnus Stinger, it obviously has a shorter profile. But, when comparing the F-15 to a G5 Montec it is actually longer by an 1/16". The CX F-15 head is roughly 1 3/8" long. A Magnus Stinger is 2 1/4". As soon as I get the pictures taken, I will post them here.
I really like the G5 Montec's that I use but I would be interested in trying them. They look like they'd do some damage.
Diminishing returns fells. What is the point of having parallel blades? So the 1/4" of tissue between them can bleed form both sides?
Man, I hate not having access to this site at work. I come back and there's tons of new crap posted I want to catch up on Anyways..... Schultz, sorry about the "those guys" comment. I have tons of respect for you traditional archers. I only mentioned it because I didn't think this head has too much of a traditional feel (more techno and gadgetry if anything), so I was surprised to see that was one of the only forums discussing it yet. Bols, here's the discussion. Guy towards the bottom posted it. It's not hard to "steal" photos and hotlink them (how do you think I got both photos in this original post:d ). Someone probably visited here, saw your original post, and hotlinked to their post over there. Anyways, sounds promising, and I'm hoping to hear good things about them from your trip. If I get a good report, I may pop them on the ends of my arrows for next fall.
Ohh I know it isn't difficult to "steal" or "permanently-borrow" stuff on the internet. I was just curious to note where the picture was coming from since it did a complete circle. I posted on here, ended up back here with your help. :D Anyways, I read all of the comments on the Trad Gang thread. I don't necessarily agree with everything posted on the thread since many haven't got the head in their possession to "spin-test" or "shoot" the head yet. And finally, just as a parting note. I got this head for free. I am not debating whether or not this head is the greatest head on the market or not. That isn't my purpose for getting ahold of this broadhead. I told the guy I would be curious to try it out since I knew I could probably be able to draw blood before these heads would even hit the market. My goal is to evaluate the head on the platform we evaluate many other heads on the market. From an initial standpoint, this head seems sturdy, it spins true, and will hopefully put blood on the ground. I have my ideas of how this head will perform but I am not going to jump the gun and count my chickens before their hatched. I'll report back when I get home. Hopefully I won't booger this head up on a miss or poor shot, which isn't giving much credit to the head if that is the case.
Alright, after further investigation, I don't know for certain how these broadheads will be packaged when they hit the shelves. Therefore, please disregard the 6 heads/pack I have previously mentioned. I'm sorry for reporting this. I misread the catalog and noticed they mentioned dealer inner packs and case packs, not individual retail packs. I edited my previous posts as to not mislead people further until I can get the facts straight.
Sounds good. I'm not looking for some magical proprietary results from these heads. They just look, well, cool. If they're effective, I may give them a try.
Didn't you see my wink? No need to be sorry Matt!! I know you didn't mean a thing by It, just giving you a hard time Is all.:d
Ah yes, the jumping sheep. Hey, look at the outcry about the high prices when the Octane line was first released, and look how many people are using those accessories now. PLUS, it's MSRP. The one store I found selling these had them at $44:D Not much less than $50, but...not $50:D
LOL, WTF is this??? Why are they all switching to aviation like designs??? http://www.bowhunterssuperstore.com/tight-point-shuttle-tlock-broadhead-grain-blade-pack-p-1183.html EDIT: Am I the only person in the world still shooting 125 gr.???
MNKK, that is the Shuttle T-Lock Broadhead. It has been around for a couple of years now. I have two that were given to me by a neighbor of mine. I have yet to shoot them yet, but from what I have been told, the design of the broadhead improves flight. Much like that of our famous Space Shuttle.
Duuuhhhh, YOu simply squint your eyes and cock your head to the side about 25-30 degrees... They'll line up just right. SB
Schultzy, here are the pictures of the head I promised you. Notice in this first picture, the washer that locks the bleeders into the main cutting blade is to the right of the head. This is a comparison photo to the G5 Montec, the new CS version. I spun the F-15 on my arrow inspector the other day, needless to say it spun pretty true. Spun just as well as the 4-Blade Magnus Stinger I spun right after it.
Bols, thanks for the additional pictures. I'm really liking the look of these. Question, though. How secure are the bleeders with that retaining ring installed? Is there any noticeable movement side to side or up and down, or is it a pretty solid fit?