This is the latest and greatest deal. The coupon codes dont work though. STILL some deals to be had. Mp6 is on sale for $120 and then take $15 off of that. Click here : Pick your savings
No problem!. For the record I have no affiliation with WingSupply and just want to pass along/share the best deals online that I can find to the community.
says November 28th. Not sure what they will be doing differentnew for Cyber Monday or Black Friday. But always try coupon codes " thanks10" or "welcomeback" or "welcomeback12" or most always "dhnet" works. but if I see something or someone else does for deals here, I am sure they will post it back up in this thread.
You guys got to check out wingsupply now. Looks like the two BEST deals are a mp6black is $105 shipped. (free shipping) MP6 is 90$ shipped (free shipping) MPE5 is $102 shipped Black60 is $148 shipped red40 is $158 shipped
Man those are some good prices. Thinking MP6 black to try. For that price, it would be hard to pass up. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4.
Just got the black Friday email ad and those are the black Friday prices. Looks like now is the time to buy. The pick your price coupon ends tonight.
^ ya ideally last night was the time to buy as they offered that coupon, reduced prices, and free shipping. Today it is just the reduced price and free shipping. STILL a good deal.