I was just watching Cuddebacks Beyond The Hunt show on The Outdoor Channel while messing around on here and they has a section with Walt Larsen talking about Cuddeback cameras and how they built their own cameras to increase depth and color saturation in game cam photos and the next thing I know, up pops a picture of a nice 8 point that I caught on my Cuddeback a few years ago. I forgot that I had sent the photo in to them until a few months ago when I noticed that they were using the photo in adds in Deer & Deer Hunting magazine.... I feel so speical
Pretty cool picture with the sunset and how dark it is in the area that the buck is. Also pretty cool that they're using it in their ads. Could you mail me your autograph? Hope it doesn't cost me too much
I can see why they are using that picture, it is awesome!!!! What I want to know if they have sent you a check yet ?
They didn't give you anything for using your photo? Even a mail in rebate on your next camera purchase from them would have been nice.
Even the buck looks rejected Cuddeback didn't offer him anything for his new celebrity status..... Cripes, look at the downtrodden face on that po' fellah!!
Nope Scott, not a thing, I figured that I should have atleast been given a dozen of the new Captures....atleast that, but no!
That's awesome! What a great capture. Some people can't do that good with a point and shoot let alone a camera strapped to a tree :D
No Al, never got a shot at him. I saw him once early that season but didn't want to take the shot as it was kinda iffy. I havn't seen him since, he was pretty unique as his G-2's curved in at the top.