Has anyone tried the new Cuddeback Capture? I have always liked my other Cuddebacks and think I may give one a try. Justin, this may be an alternative to buying a Moultrie I40.
Dan - to the best of my knowledge these cameras haven't shipped yet. I keep checking our suppliers to see if they have any in stock, and they never go. I really like my Excite so I want to pick up a Capture IR for sure. I just saw Walt Larsen on TV last night talking about how great they are, and I can't even buy them yet!
Hmmmmm, I saw a couple places online where they were selling them. That's the reason I was asking, I saw a commercial with Walt Larson and thought they were available.
I think a lot of places put them up for sale and take backorders until their first shipments arrive which can put them in a bad spot. I know you can order the new predator cam from cabelas and none of them have been shipped to customers yet. Every time we talk to them it's two weeks away. I last heard the Captures should ship in August. We'e what happens!
Dan - got our first Flash Capture in today. I will be doing a full review on it and putting it out for testing on Saturday. I'll make sure to keep everyone posted!
Okay I just took it out of the package and started playing with it. HUGE thumbs up for ease of use. Seriously, this is the easiest camera to use in the history of the world. Turn the dial to time, set time, turn it to date, set date, year set year, turn it to the delay setting you want, close it, and walk away. You can seriously take one out of the package and be using it in seconds. Biggest dislike right off the bat is the fact that they did away with the screw-in option from the older models, and there's no easy method to lock the camera onto a tree unless you buy the security box for it. The only option is the included strap, which is easy to use, but probably not as long as it should be. One thing I liked about my old Cudde was that I could use it on any size tree by using the screw. Other than that, big thumbs up so far. Trigger speed tests seem OK and pic quality is pretty good too. It goes out tomorrow afternoon so I should have some photo results in about a week.
Just finished up Part 1 of the review. You can read it here: http://trailcam.com/blogs/trail_camera_reviews/archive/2008/08/25/cuddeback-capture-first-look.aspx I'm not sure I'll have time to get the video up this week, I literally have plans every single night until next Monday. Should have some photos to show next Saturday/Sunday and I'll post them up as soon as I get them.