I'm new to this, so need advice from you pros. What would be the main argument in favor of a Crossbow user opposed to a Compound Bow user, and a Compound Bow user oppossed to Crossbow. Next; What is a good efficient entry level Crossbow, but still very precise & powerful, and the same question for a Compound Bow. Thanks for the help!
Well you don't qualify for pope and young if you use crossbow. Crossbow ive heard is more like shooting a gun where its point and shoot but the range isnt as long as a compound.
Check your state game laws. Most states have more restrictions on xbows vs compounds, meaning that the archery season is longer if you use a compound. My state, Ohio, has no such restriction but I still prefer a compound because to me it's more like real archery (requires more skill and conditioning). Also, if you want to shoot 3d competition you can't do it with a crossbow.
cannot speak on compounds, i havent hunted with it yet, but bowtech sz350 is all you will need to hunt whatever you want. i also have the 380, but the 350 is plenty. the biggest pro i see is the scope, my compound is simple to shoot, you have to practice with whatever you decide on.