My dad, bowhunter of 51 yrs., has come to the realization that he can no longer effectivley bowhunt with his trusted compound anymore. A throw from a horse 20+ yrs. ago has finally caught up w/ him and can no longer hold up or draw his bow without spooking deer within a 20 mile radius. I want to find a crossbow for him so that he can continue doing what he loves more than anything else. To be honest, I don't know the first thing about crossbows. So, I thought I would start here. Does anyone one have a recommendation? __________________
Arrowstar, Im pushing 61 and have artritis and a partially torn rotator cuff. I can't pull back my compound or recurve bows any more. I'm looking into an Excaliber Phoenix model. It is a recurve model, 175 lb draw, light weight as compared to a compound cb, and is not as loud as a compound cb. All crossbows make some noise, the Excalibers seem to be the least noisy and the lightest in weight. That is very important to me with my limitations. If you're located near and archery shop, go in with your father and try a few out! It's like picking out a bow. It's what you prefer. Good luck. Bob
I'm also a fan of the Excalibur crossbows. I like the idea of a recurve crossbow. They're simple design and work well.