FACT: Crossbows, like vertical bows, have short range capabilities, are too cumbersome to discharge from a vehicle, and kill by hemorrhage, not shock. Where legal, violations are minimal. If crossbows were efficient poaching tools their use would be wide-spread by game thieves. The poachers weapon of choice is still the .22 caliber rifle.
Same page ben.... I have a friend who crossbow hunts. He is always in awe of how i can be "more accurate out further" than he is. it makes me laugh
I can shoot a crossbow from a benchrest, I've yet to figure out how to shoot a bow from one. So I'll have to say the crossbow has more accuracy "potential" than a regular bow.
Likewise, I have a crossbow, and at 20-25yds, it's decent, at 40yds, I'll take any of my 4 bows over a crossbow anyday. However, the convenience of not having to draw, and being able to craw in and shoot from a lying position would add many advantages to a crossbow that a vertical bow will never have.
To be honest, I'm more accurate at 20-25yrds with my CB (benched) than my compound. I believe once a CB is well sighted in, it offers you a consistancy that you don't get from a compound. Past 25yrds I'll take my compound evry time. I took "silent thunder" (Yukon XL) for a walk on New Years Eve and it came through as usual. Watched it drop.