friend of mine showed me this the other day. he uses the pods from a milk weed plant. they have seeds in them w/very fine whisps that help the seed travel thru the air. pluck a couple of whisps off the seed & let go. they'll float off in the direction of the wind. no scent, no concerns, & cheap, the're free in a field. now is the time to pluck them & they really work. :d
I was really thinking you were going to say to turn on the fire hose and shoot it straight up and which ever way the water goes the wind goes. But that idea is much better!
mmmm, never thought of that one. wonder if we turned up the pump pressure to 300 psi, I could just knock em down & drown them.
They work excellent!! I've been using them forever, 23 years. My dad was the one who showed me the trick. They work real good In telling you what the wind Is doing 20 yards In front of you. A person's scent takes more loops then most realize. Good thread woods!!
The tassles on the top of a cattail plant work very well also. Speaking of using a fire hose though......Why not pee off your stand??
I don't understand why more people don't use milk weed or any kind of fuzz for that matter. Using fuzz and letting It go from where your hunting will tell you what It's doing away from you. These powders, feathers, floss don't tell you nothing but whats happening a foot In front of your nose. I will not go anywhere hunting without the stuff. Heck when I go scouting It's with me. I'm always checking area's out to see how many other wind currents are In the area. Something as simple as a crick, point, small little hill, up hill, down hill, etc can effect the wind some from where It's coming from.
Hank when i read this i was thinking Man Schultzy said he uses this to..well what ya know here he is :d sounds like a great idea.
I use both.The powder is good for quick spot checking wind direction.The Milk Thistle works great for checking wind currents.Use a empty film container and to hold them in and cut X in lid to dispense them.
you can keep the in the pod itself. and take only a small amount & let it go. It is amazing to see how much current there is inside, even thought you think it's still. I like the idea of the film cannister. think I'll try both methods.
Too bad bubble soap smells..........watching the bubbles float could give a lot of info for quite a distance.
The film canister sounds like a real good idea. The cap I wear hunting has the sides and back rolled up so I just stuff a bunch of it In there. If you use your hat/cap and your going to wash It, be sure to take the stuff out! I forget to do that all too often. White fuzz everywhere otherwise on the clothes.
pretty creative! i like that, will try tomorrow afternoon. always think about thermals but this sheds new light. thx!
If you keep it in the pod put an elastic around it. I picked some that weren't quite ripe and put them on my dresser when I got home, when they ripened they popped open and I had the stuff all over the house. LOL