I read that same article, it was pretty enlightening. Thanks for all the input. I did take the approach of washing everythingi would take into The woods in baking soda including what I was going to wear on the ride in. On the way to my stand I would stop and run myself down completely with pine needles and dirt. I'll try letting my stuff sit in a bag with needles and dirt though this fall. Thanks again!
For the first time ever this season, I saw a guy purchase "skunk" scent from the local archery store. He said he puts one or two drops out in the area he is hunting it covers the human scent? I wonder how that worked for the guy.
Ask hi wife about skunk scent ! As I hunt in big north woods mostly I always rub pine needles and small branches on my clothes every time I enter the woods, I also religiously use baking powder also , I do also make it a point to step in deer crap as much as possible, these work and are cheap
Deer don't care on what smells. Most of them care what moves.if u smell like BO Thell still smell u even if the winds blowing to them or not.
Scent free shower, scent crusher ozone go in truck, scent crusher gear bag for clothes, scent killer spray on boots and play the wind. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Get high.... up a tree 20-25' up works good for me. Use to be a smoker, and sad to say I use to smoke n the stand...(cigarettes, not pot)