Man I always get excited when i find a Rub like this one. No sheds today, the first time out this season, but its still kinda very early. I just had to get out there, but as always, its not just the sheding, but other things you find to help with next season. This was an area i did not hunt this year and it was riddled with nice rubs looks like lightning tried to burn down the woods. There was others scattered that had been on fire.
You not kiddin, the is a huge friggin rub. Looks like those bucks have been working on that tree for a couple years.
That is a BIG rub! Hopefully you can find the culprit. I'm gonna hit the woods hard this coming weekend in search of some bone.
That rub is insane! (or your pack is tiny :D) I went out this past weekend on my first "shed hunt," when in reality it was just an intensive scouting trip.
No small pack here :d To be honest with ya!! When i shed hunt, it ALWAYS doubles as a scouting trip I find my best places doing this!!
Amen to that. My buddy and I did some shed hunting/scouting on his uncles farm yesterday and found a new place that looks really promising. We ended up seeing more than a dozen deer bedded in a little section of crab apples on the edge of a hill. The interesting thing was that the ground they were laying on had no snow while the rest of the woods still had more than 10" on the ground. We aren't sure what that is all about but there is a gaswell nearby along with a meter and we think that may have caused the ground in that area to be warmer. We took a walk onto that ground when the deer took off and the ground was pretty soft, didn't feel frozen like the rest of the ground. Without shed hunting we would have never found this spot as it doesn't look very promising during the summer months. We are definetly going to be keeping an eye on that spot as the summer wears on.
Like many of you guys, "shed hunting" is scouting. I don't really even acknowledge it as shed hunting. I do plan to get out a lot this year, but mostly cause I want to scout some new Ohio areas, and "rescout" some of my old haunts and try to re-evaluate things & get out of my comfrot zone
Ryan, I don't think you need to get too far out of your comfort zone, you have put some great bucks on the ground the past several years. P.S. Has Ron finished your buck yet?
Yea, but this is 2 years in PA without doing so. & this year had so much potential. Huge rubs out the arse. I just couldnt find the big boys in the daylight I got the call on my drive home from work. This is funny you ask, I just got done sending you a message at camospace that it was done.
Thats crazy, I was thinking about that today as I plan on going out there within the next week or two and give Ron the rest of the money for my coyote that he is workin on.