About three weeks ago I started shooting really well. Something kind of clicked with me form wise and my misses (you know the ones that fly 10 inches north or 6 inches west) started to seriously tighten up. For ME, I am shooting really good. I am using the same form and anchor point on every shot and I feel good. I am about one year in to shooting my recurve, a newbie by most standards. I am open to any and all input about what I need to do to improve. Now that being said, I need some input on my form because I don't want to seriously start ingraining the mechanics of my shooting form unless I know it is solid. If I need to tweak it, I want to tweak it prior to doing any hardcore blank baling, etc. Thanks gentlemen for any input. Brett http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc90/virginiashadow/?action=view¤t=Capture_20110425_1.mp4 http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc90/virginiashadow/?action=view¤t=Capture_20110425_2.mp4
Hard to say, but on the first video, your release looks like your trying to make it happen. Not all shots, your first shot looks ok, second, not so much. When I say that, what I mean, is it appears, you are releasing and then trying to follow thru. There is a pause. Kinda like your hand is going back behind your ear, but didn't get there by the release. I could be wrong. I am a horrible coach. When you are at full draw, do you feel all the tension on your back, or some in your shoulders and forearm? My release looks like this now. I have slacked off all winter, and having issues myself.
I feel the tension most in my rear delt and then some in my middle back. Thanks BC. I will go shoot a bit and see if I can get that tension to move toward my shoulder blades a bit.
I might have to give this a try myself. I shot this weekend, and was embarrassed. Like starting over.
BC, focused on more back tension and seemed to have a more natural release. My arm snapped back a little quicker. One thing, I tried the back tension thing holding my bow in the same somewhat vertical fashion as I performed in the videos and my shots were a little wild and high. Once I started canting my bow a little bit my shots started to get a lot more consistent and dropped into the sweet spot more consistently.
I'll just add that if you plan on hunting with a quiver on your bow, you should be shooting it with a full quiver minus one while practicing/tuning!
BHF, you read my mind! After I watched the video I thought the same thing. I added a couple of arrows to the quiver and have been shooting with them attached. The bow seems quieter.
The quiver will bend your arrows with it attached to the limbs like that. That would interfere with the limb action, will it not?
Steve, since I made those videos I have been focusing on my back tension and it is paying off. My release pops back a little more naturally.