Well, here I am. Making a mountain out of a mole hill, but I'm indecisive and cheap. Two things that aren't very conducive to bow shopping. Fact is I've had my 101st Airborne for a year and a half. Love the bow (I think). It's draw is a bit harsher than I like for long term shooting, and as such, I have it turned down to 58#. I've never shot it through a chrono, but I like the ability to shoot a lower poundage and still get decent speed (for the record I'm 28.5" DL, 58#, shooting 27.5" ACCs @365gr total weight). I want another bow...actually I want two at all times from here on out. Ideally I would like two bows that could be taken into the woods. One would be my primary, the other would be a backup. However, if I'm going to have two bows, I would think I would take advantage of the situation and have one that's a nice "amateur" spot/3D bow (yes I know IDEALLY those two venues call for vastly different setups, but I use the word "amateur" for a reason), and another good solid, smooth bow for the field as my primary hunting bow. I think (thought possibly) my 101st fit that latter definition, and it may still, but I'm not sure). I have an 08 Max 4 Commander lined up for $360 shipped, but I'm not sure I want to commit to that bow. I'm not sure where it would fall for me in the necessity realm. It's a bit longer than my bow (a plus), has 3/4" more brace, slower, more mass weight, but a much smoother draw that would make it great for spots and even 3D although not much in the speed department (then again, since if I'm even going to sanctioned shoots, I will be in HC, distances aren't as great, and a yardage miscalculation isn't AS serious). Then I was thinking about the Sentinel. 09 is basically an upgraded Commander, with a bit shorter BH and ATA, but TAP over on AT makes a shoot through conversion for this bow which is attractice (not to mention the better string stop, and rotating mod). Then I'm thinking, if I'm spending money on a Sentinel, why not get his years since it has a bit of a boosted FPS, and the FLX guard. However, although I can afford it, I'm not a huge fan of dropping $750+ on a bare bow. Then I thought of maybe sticking with my 101st for hunting/3d, and picking a Connie up for my winter basement shooting (keep the shoulders comfortable, and also be a great spot bow since I plan to shoot 5 and 3 spot Vegas for fun to keep me busy this winter). The Connie is awesome ATA wise, and maybe even a little cumbersome in the woods for me, but I doubt it. So, the 101st is out of production, even if I sell it, I don't plan to be able to get much more than $350 out of it, so it's hard for me to let it go, but then again, like I said, I don't really enjoy shooting it during long shooting sessions, even dropped down a few lbs. I think what I really want is a middle ground 36" ATA, solid speed, VERY comfortable to draw bow to suppplement me to this 101st, or add to my stable. Thoughts? (I know...I rambled on too long)
Pick up the Commander.....sell the 101st to pay for it and buy a Destroyer or a Sentinel. There that was easy, when do you want me to take you to Miller's?
:p Honestly I considered doing what you said (buying the Commander, then buying a destroyer). Can't say I'm a fan of such a small ATA or the limb graphics, and the Sentinel is too much like the Commander...hmm. What are you doing next weekend?:D
Onestringer is gonna take care of the limb graphics for me if I can't take em. They ATA ain't gonna be a prob. Your problem is simple, 101st for the the Commander and you have a smooth 3D/Spots bow that is huntable. After that you happen to know a guy that is buying a left handed Destroyer, I bet you can shoot it and make your call. If it's too short, then get the Sentinel or I will make you a killer deal on an Air Raid. (slightly longer than the Destroyer)
Ah yes, the Air Raid...the wild card. Now you have a plan, bud. Sounds good. Any word on shipment of that new bow of yours?
Matt, I am in the same boat... my 82nd is a great bow and has been very good to me... 2 bucks, a turkey, and numerous groundhogs later... but I can't "enjoy" shooting it through the spring and summer. I love what the bow can do (performance wise) but the draw is harsh for extended shooting. I am keeping my eyes open for a 2006 Old Glory... I really wish I hadn't sold mine. That bow was AMAZING, great shooter, smooth, and was a bow that I could shoot all day for fun. I have been looking at all the new bows, but I just don't know for sure that I will love them like I did the Old Glory... not too mention that the Old Glory (if I find one) will probablly be selling for a very good price!
Matt don't do it. Once Ben starts spending your money he never stops! I'm speaking from years of experience here. Hide your wallet! Haha.
You already know my thoughts........you need to pull the trigger and just get a Constitution or Brigadier. One thing to add about this statement. I do not agree at all that these venues call for vastly different setups. When you have a bow that has the forgiving specs of a Constitution, that still produces 3D acceptable speed.....you can use the same platform for both and I actually find that an advantage. I've won state and regional 3D titles from the open stakes (where speed actually counts) with a Constitution, and also shot clean 300 and 450 vegas games with the same exact bow. I actually find it a benefit to be able to shoot the same platform for both venues. The proof is in the pudding............
Well that's also a lot like they say, "The Indian behind the bow." You're a heck of a shot, though, Matt, but I agree. The constitution is looking more and more appealing.
Are you for sure getting another Bowtech? If so, I'd sell the 101st, get a Constitution. Then buy a new hunting bow of your choice. If you are considering other companies, do some shopping. It never hurt to look
Matt, I just bought a constitution, so that decision has been made. Now I'm just wondering if I should sell the 101st or not. I'm open to other brands, but so far, nothing stands out too much. The maxxis 35 possibly, but the specs aren't overlly impreesive even compared to an 08 commander, and I could save a lot of money going with a commander.
I know it's cliche and it's what everyone always says, but get out and shoot some stuff. I haven't laid hands on one yet, but the PSE Vendetta XL is getting some high praise from the Pro's and others I have talked to. The cam system on the Vendetta is unlike anything PSE has put out in the past. Smooth Decent speed 328fps I believe and I hear it's dead too. Just a thought! As far as anything else goes, I don't have any firsthand experience. I was a little disappointed with what Hoyt came out with because it just seems as if they are staying stagnent, not doing anything "new". I have strong ties with a Hoyt shop here, and that seems to be the general view on it. Price points are going up and nothing is really changing. Sure they have a Carbon Riser bow, but it's more than two times the price of a normal top end bow. It's not worth it. PSE honestly has come out with the most complete line I think. They are still keeping great prices. They recognized the issue with the GX cams and discontinued them. The Bowtech Destroyer is a bow that interests me a lot too.
PSE definitely has a nice lineup. That Vendetta XL is nice. The Axe 7 would be nice if it was a little longer ATA as well. Matthews is a bit lackluster this year, Hoyt is solid, but like you said, nothing ground breaking (other than a carbon riser...which is big, but expensive), the smaller companies like Strother, Elite, Athens, etc, look pretty decent, but I want something with good support, whether through a dealer here at home, or through Rob:D I have time, though, because I have the "shooter" bow now, sold the 101st yesterday, so now I just have to find a hunting bow, and I have a little while to make that decision.
How about a Captain? I used mine to shoot targets last spring and then used it as my primary hunting bow this fall - very happy with it. Since your looking for a hunting bow, have could also consider going with a little shorter axle... Admiral, Black Ice, Stud - all great shooters and maybe a little easier to handle in the tree stand....
The Captain is something I have considered. Admiral is too short. I have NEVER had a situation in the field where I needed a short ATA, and as such, the extra ATA is always nice for stability.