Team 14 will, furthermore be known as Doe'Thraki and I'll be the Captain of this band of wild men. No horses will be harmed in the filming of our hunts! Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Tesm 16 will be the Silent Slayers and I will be Captain. Can we have team thread title changed to Team 16: Silent Slayers Thanks LC
@LittleChief Our team name is Team 15- Chasing Tail and only have one member left to check in. Can you change our team title thread?
Team 11-The WA11 HANGERS are all checked in and accounted for and our captain is Suncrest08! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Team 7 - SeVenison is all checked in. Benny_Bucks is our captain. Sent from my SM-N975U using Forums mobile app