I just wanted to congratulate my best friend Matt(Mo-Bowhnter) and his girlfriend Molly on getting engaged on the 4th of July! I am so happy for the two of them. As many of you may know I have been friends with Matt since pre-school and haven't looked back since. I haven't seen him this happy in a long time and I know things are gonna be great between the two of them. I also wanted to congratulate my brother on his recent engagement as of July 5th. He asked his girlfriend of 4 years to marry him after much nagging from her...lol If she can put up with him I know it is a good thing as well. I wish the both of them luck in the future!
Congrats to them! I'm nearing the end of my wedding planning...tell them to get it all planned and done EARLY...my biggest regret:D
Beaches resort...Bahamas. Price was right, and the budget was tightening. Not as classy as Sandals, but still all inclusive, and should be nice.
Thanks Matt. I couldn't ask for a better girl. I need to congratulate your brother...I didn't think that was ever going to happen LOL.
And usually w/in a month of the birth of a child, eh buddy? :d Congrats, Matt. Here's to success and happiness.
My parents have 4 dogs and I've had dogs my entire life, so yes we will have a dog but not sure what we want yet. I need something that isn't a wuss and I can take shedding because I suck at it.
Song of the day by Queen - And Another One Bites the Dust :D Just playin' Matt, congrats on the new sidekick!
Congrats Matt, I guess you won't be around to defend your 3D Title next year, HUH.:d Just kidding, I'm sure she is well aware of your vices. Best of luck to you.
She knows Matt loves hunting, fishing and beating a bunch of old guys at 3d...lol, so I am sure we will both be back next year. Hopefully I can get a hold of this target panic so I have a better showing though.