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confused... why arrow seems to be losing speed?

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by brian923, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. brian923

    brian923 Weekend Warrior

    Sep 25, 2009
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    i got myself some new carbons today. there the Easton ST Excels. i have a PSE BowmadnessXS, and the draw length was set to 28". (64 # dw.) while i was sighting in, i found i was able to use my 10 yard pin for both 10 and 20 yards, with just 2-3" inch group seperation between the two distances. while shooting at 28 " though, i found it to be very uncomfertable. i adjusted the draw length back to 29" and i can now hold the bow rock solid, and it just feels much better. i moved the target back to 10 yards just to make sure that i wasnt going to be shooting to high or low, cause i didnt want to lose any of my new arrows. set the pin for spot on at 10 yards, and moved the target back out to 20 yards. now, the arrows are falling at least 10 inches lower while using my 10 yard pin as i did exactly the the first time when my draw length was set at 28" this dosent make any sence to me, i thought, if anything, it would add 1-2 FPS and keep the arrows shooting the same as my first experiance. i know speed isnt everything, but im just confused on whats going on? thanks guys, brian.
  2. KodiakArcher

    KodiakArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 15, 2009
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    Anchorage, AK
    You should have gained roughly 10 fps with the draw length increase but you're also changing the spine demands on the arrow. Are you still in tune with the new shafts and longer draw?
  3. brian923

    brian923 Weekend Warrior

    Sep 25, 2009
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    the spine on my arrow is .340, which is right wear easton's desktop shaft guide says it should be. its shooting right wear i point it. arrows look like there going straight into the target, and all of them are at the same entry angle, so i dont think its too out of tune. i ran out of daylight to paper tune the bow. my father was there, and the shot after i changed the draw lenght, said "wow, a change in draw length really made the trajectory of the arrow way more pronounced." with the bow at 28", it was like a lazrer, when changed to 29" it had the same trajectory as my aluminum gamegetters, that weight 100 grains more! i weighed all my arrows, and they are within 2 grains of each other, and are a total of 454 grains. i just dont know what to think?
  4. WV Hunter

    WV Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 27, 2008
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    VA / WV
    That doesn't make any sense. ??

    I also don't know anyone that uses a 10yd pin these days. Most of the guys I know have 20 30 40

    Dial in that pin at 20, then shoot at 10 and see where you hit would be my first suggestion.

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