Thats awesome Jeff, your going to love it! Especially when your just roaming around stumpin or small gamin! It like reaching for your wallet except your grabbing an arrow! Damn Jeff, Shooting with a champion archer one day then chatting it up on the phone with Rod jenkins a world class champion the next! I'm impressed!
OK, trad bow forum rule proposal...if you are going to talk about gear, at least tell us what it is. "quiver" is not acceptable, we need a brief description. We won't invoke full man law, that'll only go for new bows in possession. I think this place will turn out pretty good, enough action to make it fun, but nothing overly technical make your head spin stuff.
Safari Tuff Arrowmaster, top notch quiver! Here's a couple of action pics of mine! Attached to my LW, full access to the arrows while on my stand is on my back! On stand: Glamour shot....