I used to hunt from a Summit climber before it was stolen. I have napped in a climber and a saddle. Both are comfortable when properly used.
The only saddle I've ever been in was cinched to my horse. Looking at that gizmo you wear around your butt cheeks while hanging from a rope tied 20 feet up in a tree tells me that there is no way a tree saddle can be as comfortable as a Summit Viper.
People Suck!!!!!!! No one cares if you and your son busted your humps hanging your stands etc. They saw your stand and took all your hard work of finding a great spot scouting etc and just plopped their stand next to you! People suck!!
Let me be the first to say that issues arise on private land/Lease etc too....to be honest I've had 2 private properties/leases over the years and personally encountered more issues of property lines, setting up stands on lines facing me, people telling me the previous owner allowed them to hunt this property for Bluh Bluh years etc....then I ever have on Public Land....also as long as your 30-40yds away unless its gun season then I personally feel even more so for Bow that it is a sufficient amount of space...now having said that if I were to walk into a area (in Md you have to remove stands daily) and saw someone that close I'd move to another place....if I'm there and someone came in and took shop 30-40yds away, I'd chalk it up as it's Public Land, I don't own it so ….and sometimes could become a person you could become friends with and possible Hunting partners....I've exchanged phone #'s with a few guys over the years on public land walking out together or at the lot....sometimes don't think of things as being the end or ruined, it could become something great...just my 2 cents