So, I've never been "into" womens softball... but... I was watching the ASU vs. Alabama game tonight thinking there were a couple that were pretty good looking, then it hit me, they're in my town! The tournament is in Oklahoma City at the Hall of Fame stadium, I think I have plans after the Sunday morning skins game tomorrow :D
yeah some of them are real good looking! Too bad their folks will never have to worry about grandchildren!My experience is they aren't real fond of men. But them girls are playing some good ball...I couldn't hit what they throw!!
How bout Florida hitting a walk off grand slam against Alabama...I think the Florida/Washington matchup is going to be great. Could go both ways, Washington has one heck of a gal for a pitcher..she is tough if she's on.
From my own personal experience with college softball players, 90% of them have the munchies. But the other 10% are freaks
So you were watching womens softball on tv........on a Saturday night I blame it on the state you live in :d
lol, I can't really argue with that. Does it matter if I drove to Lake Texoma, played 27 holes, and drove back to Oklahoma for a 7:45am tee time the next morning? If not... I deserve the bash. :D
I ain't that blind! I have ruined a few females...after dating me they sorta eneded up lipstick lesbos!I must be doing something wrong.