Here in northern Illinois the temps have dropped earlier than normal. Do you guys think it will push the rut up at all? I'm new to this so just thinking out loud. thanks guys
Anytime you get temps dropping in late October, you'll see an uptick in buck movement. The reason is because the deer in general move more when the temps are colder. When these deer (does) are on their feet, the bucks aren't far behind them. Now, the chase phase and breeding phase will happen around the same time every year, but the pre rut phase, where the bucks are cruising, checking scrapes, rubbing, fighting and just in general being ornery, will happen sooner and I think it tends to be a little more prolonged. I love the cold snaps in October over the full on rut. I don't think many realize, but the pre rut, right before the chase phase is probably the best time to be the woods. Bucks are more receptive to calling, and are very active at this time. Once you get to the chase phase you can end up with "lockdown" where the big boys will find a doe that is coming into estrous and basically follow and bed with her, not leaving her side. Thats the toughest hunting I know.
While I don't think it actually affects the "rut" per say, buck will potentially ramp up their pre-rut activity with thte cooler weather.
I don't believe doe's are going to come into estrus sooner just because it's cold out. But, cold snaps in late Oct can make for some excellent buck activity
Cold weather early will absolutely fire up the activity. Small bucks here in southwest Ohio are chasing like crazy.