you say 'left a message' I am assuming VM. Shoot him a text. Based on past conversations, I am pretty sure he doesn't listen to VMs. Also, if something is wrong, a text might appear on the screen and whoever has his phone may be able to reply (in case his phone is PIN protected.)
I just tried to call again. Straight to voicemail. I'm not sure what else I can do except wait and hope he logs back in.
Same here. Well, if someone leaves a voicemail I'll check to see if the call was legit. Anyway, at least now I know never to bother calling you. When we moved to Missouri I kept my old Tennessee cell number. That was a good call. Almost every single spam call I get comes from a Tennessee number, so any call I get from Tennessee with a number I don't have saved doesn't get answered.
All's good, impromptu hiatus. Don't have a phone currently, in dispute with them so no texts or calls. I'll be back in a bit. Sorry everyone
You had me checking obits and arrest reports in Springfield for the name 'Clinton'- thought maybe you had a car accident or finally had it with your meth head neighbors and murdered the lot of them and were sitting in jail!
Glad you are doing alright Clint. Please refrain from shooting the methheads unless they cross the property line. In that case, use good judgment and marksmanship as needed.
You guys are worse then a bunch of girls. Bunch of stalkers.... Geeez. :p Glad 74 is alright. I told you guys to switch to Visible for a carrier. lol!
We’re accustomed to you disappearing from time to time. Besides, all we have to do is check the latest episode of BHOD to make sure you’re still alive. Cls74 is different. He’s always here somewhere. This is how I’ve always imagined Clint on the forums: