As a lot of you know, this summer, I isolated the largest buck I've ever seen on the hoof. One step further, I gained access to the farm where he lived... Well "access" might be a big word. Once I got in, apparently, word of this big boy got out . . . and let's just say that "somebody" made sure that the scope of my permission was narrowed to essentially strip me of any/all hunting privileges. Amazing how a buck of this caliber can change the rules of the game. I'm not whining. I know how to play the game. I know the rules. That's just the way the cards fell. Anyway, I got in there a few times pre-rut, staying confined to the areas of the farm that I was "allowed in," and I feel like I was just privileged to get the chance to get within a mile of him - and experience the "mathematical chance" at a buck of a lifetime. Well, I went back to shed hunt the place, and was advised by the landowner (non-hunter) that a giant buck was taken off of his land by one of the guys who made sure I didn't get in there. Tonight, I made a call to a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy - who confirmed what I already knew. My heart sank. 165 gross. 14 scorable points. Gun season kill. What a whale of a whitetail. Case closed. But . . . when one chapter closes, another one opens right behind it.
It's a damn shame that a thing like antlers could breed this kind of jealousy....But boy they sure do. Sorry it worked out this way for ya dude......Hope you get on another one this year.
I have the same situation with a local farm that lets everyone and their brother hunt there. The owner is just too nice. I heard that a newb was putting a stand on the property. Great, I thought, I wondered where he will put it on the 150 acres. 28 yards from my ladder stand is where he put a tripod. What a #@&%$*&$$%^%&^%%$^$^%!!!!! I lost all motivation to hunt there, and concentrated on other properties. He killed an 8 point on the second day, scored about 115. Good news, the owner told him to take the stand down and not to come back because his stand location was greedy!! True story
I'm sure it stings man!! At least you know though..... I had some rifle hunters take a legitimate B&C deer that I had been chasing for a couple of seasons, so I know what your feeling....
Man what a bummer Quick. How come he got you off the property? How did he convince the land owner that you shouldn't be allowed to hunt? that sux big time, and i'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you'll still get on this yr w/o any hitches. Maybe go work the land in the summer and get in good w/the owner. that was one big boy, no exageration on your part, that's for sure. Impressive video.
I remember that video and wondered if you ever hunted him. That sucks, he was a dandy!!!! Fran. How did the new spotlight pan out for ya??
The last sentence of this post pretty much sums up your last two post. Closure on one dandy buck, a soured experience indeed makes way for a new chapter on another great buck! I can't wait to see how this new story unfolds.
Way to go "King" in your post by giving it the picture feel. Thumbs up Dubbya. Your Google Picture skills are impressive!! :D
Fran, Thats a tough one, especially when those types of bucks in your areas are very RARE. I do hope you find another in an area you can hunt and that won't or can't be manipulated.
That sucks for you, but better dead on someone's wall then wounded and dead in the woods to decay. Hopefully he left you some nice offspring for next season.
Words of wisdom ? I had essentialy the same situation this last year happen - and i can tell ya , one of the most important things ive learned about bowhunting is KEEP my yap shut on these type of deer. It only takes one too many beers an next thing ya know your best friend has magically acquired permission to hunt the adjacent property ? Is he really your buddy after pullin a stunt like this ?? Oh well as they say ( IT happens )