One of my close hunting buddies shot this monster 8 pointer here in Southern Ontario last night about 30 minutes before dark. Said he watched him for about 30 minutes in a dry bean field before the deer snuck its way in to 30 yards. He called me up after he shot it and asked if I would help him track it since he was unsure of the shot. 100yds later following a great blood trail through some of the thickest stuff you could find we found him laying there. He's always had good deer on his farm but his farming and work schedule always conflicted with hunting I was usually the ones seeing them so I was very excited to say the least when I saw that body and rack laying there under a pine for him! Biggest 8 point buck I have ever seen around here! The crab claw like fronts and just the immense body size of this deer had me speechless when we walked up on it! Couldn't be happier for him since its his own farm and he has hunted for about 7 years looking to take his first nice buck from it!
He is waiting to hear back from the taxidermist for score! If people are interested whenever I hear about it I will update for sure.